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Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Children With Type 1 Diabetes

Woman hugging her child in the middle of a quiet street

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

Supporting emotional wellbeing in children with type 1 diabetes is essential to their overall
health and development. The unique challenges these children face require a comprehensive
understanding of their needs. That’s why we did thorough research with the help of an award-
winning author
, speaker, and a woman in tech. In this article, we’ll delve into various strategies
for fostering emotional resilience in children with this condition, highlighting the significance of
a strong support network and additional approaches to aid their emotional wellbeing.

Tips for Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects children and adults alike, resulting in a
life-long dependency on insulin injections for blood sugar regulation. For children, this
condition can present an extra layer of difficulty as they navigate the ups and downs of growing
up, including forming relationships, managing schoolwork, and participating in extracurricular

Person measuring blood sugar
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, resulting in children requiring lifelong insulin therapy and careful blood sugar monitoring to maintain their health.

That’s why finding ways to support emotional wellbeing in children with type 1 diabetes is
paramount. So let’s learn nine effective strategies to help you do that!

1. Understanding The Emotional Impact

The emotional wellbeing of a child with type 1 diabetes is closely linked to their overall health
and disease management. Stress, anxiety, and fear are common emotions these children may
experience, and learning how to manage these feelings is crucial. Additionally, children with
type 1 diabetes may feel isolated or struggle with self-esteem as they deal with the demands of
their condition in their everyday lives.

2. Creating A Safe Space

It’s essential to create a safe space for children with type 1 diabetes where they feel comfortable
expressing their emotions. Encourage open communication and listen actively to your child’s
concerns. Validate their feelings and let them know that feeling scared or overwhelmed is okay.
Empathy and understanding can go a long way in supporting emotional wellbeing in children
with type 1 diabetes. This safe space can be cultivated at home, in school, or through support
groups, where children can connect with others who share similar experiences.

3. Building A Support Network

Children with type 1 diabetes benefit immensely from a strong support network that includes
family, friends, and healthcare providers. This network can provide the emotional backing
they need when facing challenges, from adjusting to a new school and coping with the demands
of their condition to even moving cross country with kids. It’s essential to keep your kids safe
and supported during these transitions, as these changes can impact their diabetes management
and emotional health. A solid support network offers emotional support and practical assistance
in managing their condition.

4. Educating The Community

Increasing awareness and understanding of type 1 diabetes among your child’s peer group,
teachers, and school staff is crucial. This can help create a more supportive environment. As
talking about diabetes is essential, you should try to educate those around your child about the
condition, its management, and the potential emotional impact it can have. This will help reduce
misconceptions and promote empathy. This will make it easier for your child to cope with
diabetes in various social settings. 

5. Integrating Mindfulness Practices

Incorporating mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga, can
be beneficial for children with type 1 diabetes. These techniques can help lower the impact of
stress on diabetes
, improve focus, and promote emotional resilience. Therefore, encourage your
child to try different practices and find the ones that resonate with them. 

Mother and daughter doing yoga together on the floor as an example of supporting emotional
wellbeing in children with type 1 diabetes
It’s never too early to introduce your kids to mindfulness practices, as these techniques can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote emotional resilience.

Mindfulness practices can be integrated into their daily routine. This is the best way to provide
your child with practical tools to manage their emotions and better handle the stressors
associated with living with type 1 diabetes. Establishing a consistent routine with mindfulness
practices can lead to long-term benefits for their emotional and physical wellbeing.

6. Encouraging Independence

Fostering independence in children with type 1 diabetes is crucial for their emotional wellbeing.
Gradually teach your child age-appropriate self-care skills. For example, checking blood sugar
levels, administering insulin, and making healthy food choices. Encouraging independence
builds confidence and helps your child take ownership of their health, ultimately reducing the
emotional burden associated with diabetes management.

Independence also equips them with the necessary skills to handle various situations. It will be so
much easier for them to navigate school life with diabetes. They’ll be able to attend sleepovers
or school trips with more confidence. On the other hand, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your
child can take care of themselves.

7. Exploring Creative Outlets

Creative outlets, such as art, music, dance, or writing, can provide children with type 1 diabetes a
means to express their emotions. Expressing their creativity will help them cope with their
condition. These activities can act as a healthy escape, allowing them to channel their feelings
into something positive and fulfilling. Encourage your child to explore various creative pursuits.
Trust us. They’ll quickly find an activity that they are passionate about. Engaging in creative
outlets can improve mood, boost self-esteem, and contribute to a balanced emotional state.

8. Promoting Physical Activity

Physical activity plays a vital role in maintaining emotional wellbeing for everyone. However,
this is especially true and important for children with type 1 diabetes. Regular exercise can help
reduce stress, improve mood, and contribute to better blood sugar control. So encourage your
child to participate in swimming, biking, or team sports. Ensure that your child’s healthcare team
is involved in planning their exercise routine, as adjustments to insulin dosage or diet may be
necessary. By promoting physical activity, you can support not only their emotional wellbeing
but also their overall health.

9. Seeking Professional Help

If your child’s emotional wellbeing is significantly impacted by their diabetes, don’t be afraid to
seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. These professionals can provide valuable
guidance and support, helping your child develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with
the emotional challenges of living with type 1 diabetes. Early intervention can prevent the
development of more serious emotional difficulties and ensure your child has the necessary
support to thrive despite their condition.

Caption: Seeking professional help is crucial in supporting emotional wellbeing in children with type 1
diabetes. They can provide valuable guidance and coping strategies tailored to these children’s unique challenges.

Child talking to a therapist about what she sees in the picture that the therapist is holding
Seeking professional help is crucial in supporting emotional wellbeing in children with type 1 diabetes. They can provide valuable guidance and coping strategies tailored to these children’s unique challenges.

Final Thoughts

Supporting emotional wellbeing in children with type 1 diabetes goes beyond medical
management. It involves nurturing their resilience, fostering community, and empowering them
with tools to navigate life’s challenges. By adopting a holistic approach, we can help these
children overcome obstacles and flourish in all aspects of their lives.

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How to Encourage Your Child to Love Reading

Encourage your child to love reading by surrounding them with books.

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

You probably know by now that reading helps kids develop intellectually and emotionally. Benefits of reading include speech development, vocabulary building, and learning new things. The only problem is that most kids don’t develop a passion for reading naturally. On the one hand, this can happen because they are not exposed to it enough from an early age. This is why reading to them and telling them stories are considered some of the bedtime routines that are most effective for kids. On the other hand, this can be caused by the fact that we, as parents, and their teachers put too much pressure on them to read. As a result, we take all the fun out of it. But don’t worry because you’ve got options. Just take a look at these tips on how to encourage your child to love reading.

1. Start Early

As a general rule, it’s never too early to start reading to your child. Even if they are too little to understand the content, this promotes early language development. So, even if you have a newborn, you should make the time to read to them. As they grow, they will begin to observe the pictures, turn the pages, and recognize repetitive sounds. Finally, they will learn how to speak and, eventually, read independently.

black father reading to a baby
Start reading to your child early.

Therefore, reading to them is one of the simplest ways to encourage learning from a very early age. Thus, you must make a routine out of it. It doesn’t matter if you read to them right before bed or after dinner as long as you do it daily. To make things a bit more interesting for both of you, you can make comments on the characters in the book or make funny voices.

2. Create A Cozy Space

If you want to encourage your child to love reading, you should set up a cozy space for it. Pick a quiet spot in your home and get creative. You don’t even have to build a traditional reading nook if you don’t have too much space. You can simply improvise a tent using two chairs and a blanket. Then, to make it cozier, you can add pillows and blankets inside, together with a small lamp. Your child will love spending time there, making the entire reading experience more appealing to them.

A cozy tent
To encourage your child to love reading, set up a cozy reading space.

3. Surround Them With Books

By surrounding your child with books, you’ll inevitably pique their interest. After all, kids are very curious by nature. Therefore, you should stash books around the house to make them accessible to your child. You can even buy waterproof books for them to explore during bathtime.

Now, if you don’t want your child to lose interest, you should change the books regularly. While they are little, you can simply rotate the books every once in a while. But this will stop working as they get older. In any case, if you are planning to have another child, you should look for ways to keep your books safe until then. One of the best tips for storing books is to find a dry place with no exposure to extreme temperatures. Otherwise, they’ll get damaged.

4. Set A Good Example

Setting a good example for your kids is essential, as they usually take their cues from adults. Even from an early age, they pay close attention to your behavior and try to imitate it. Therefore, one of the best ways to encourage them to love books is to let them see you read often. By doing so, you’ll also encourage them to spend more time away from screens. So, it’s a win-win solution. Furthermore, you should also talk with them about the books you’re reading and why you enjoy them so much.

Woman smiling while reading a book
Set a good example for your child by letting them see you read often.

5. Match Their Interests

You should always inquire about your child’s interests and try to find books on that topic. This will make reading a lot more fun and exciting for them. It doesn’t matter if they are interested in magic or science because your goal is to encourage them to love reading. They have all the time in the world to read serious and challenging books. But for now, let them have some fun with it.

6. Discuss Every Book

When your child is very young, it’s important to ask them questions about the books you read to them to determine how much they understood and offer additional explanations, if necessary. This will make the entire experience more enjoyable for them and will keep their interest piqued. And you should make a habit of discussing every book even as your kid gets older to make sure they don’t lose interest.

7. Watch The Movie After You Finish The Book

One of the biggest concerns nowadays is that kids no longer read the classics because all those books have been turned into movies. So, if you want to prevent this from happening, you should show your child how much gets lost in the process. Just pick a classic and read it together with your kid. Afterward, watch the movie adaptation and discuss the differences. In time, they will come to realize that books are better than movies.

8. Start A Book Club

Kids don’t take their cues only from adults but from other kids as well. Thus, if you want to encourage your child to love reading, you should also involve other kids in the process. And what better way to do this than by starting a book club?

Don’t worry; you won’t have to coordinate a large group. You can simply ask your child to ask a friend. Then pick an age-appropriate book, and set a deadline for reading it. When the time comes, you can organize a get-together at your place, order pizza, and discuss the book with the kids.

Reading is very important for your child’s development. However, kids usually need a little push to develop a passion for reading. Just be careful not to go overboard and force it on them because this will have the opposite effect. Instead, use these tips on how to encourage your child to love reading and remember always to set a good example for them.

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Navigating School Life With Type 1 Diabetes

Parents can partner with their school and plan to help kids manage school and type 1 diabetes.

If you are a parent whose child has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you know how overwhelming it can be. Once diagnosed, your child and the rest of the family enter an entirely new world. This world involves frequent blood sugar checks, insulin injections, and carb counting. Luckily, the good news is that, with a little ahead planning and preparation, your child can thrive at school and beyond. If you’re starting or changing schools, you must talk to your
child about their condition
to make the transition as comprehensible and smooth as possible. Our article will guide you through the ins and outs of navigating school life with type 1 diabetes. Hopefully, we’ll succeed in giving you and your child the confidence to tackle any challenges that come your way.

Alt tag: A mother and daughter holding a diabetes sign and smiling to the camera as they're doing well at navigating school life with type 1 diabetes.

How To Do School Life With Type 1 Diabetes?

Moving homes and schools and starting a new life can be challenging, and it requires a little extra preparation and planning with kids. And, you would know, a tiny bit extra on top of that if your child has diabetes when packing extra snacks, glucose monitoring supplies, emergency supplies, etc. So, whether your child is starting a completely new school or moving up a grade, it’s crucial to ensure they have all the tools and support they need to help them go through the process and succeed. Therefore, make sure you get your child ready for what lies ahead – the packing and moving process, a new house, new friends, school, school staff, brand new doctors, and so on. To help you further in your journey, we consulted parents and professionals and provided helpful advice on navigating school life with type 1 diabetes. 

Work With The School Team

Working with your child’s school team is the first step in managing type 1 diabetes while at school. Teachers, school nurses, coaches, and administrators are included in this. They should be informed of your child’s condition and clearly understand their medical needs. That can consist of some of the following:
● An Emergency Action Plan
● Regular Blood Glucose Monitoring
● Insulin Injections During The School Day

A school teacher high-fiving a student.
The school’s staff should be informed about your child’s condition and aware of their medical requirements.

Also, it might be a good idea to encourage the school to hold workshops and training sessions on diabetes. This way, everyone will become knowledgeable and able to offer the required support. Furthermore, other parents and children experiencing the same situation might get additional help and maybe even feel less lonely on this journey. Ultimately, these workshops can be eye-opening to parents of children with undiagnosed diabetes.

Plan For Success

When it comes to managing type 1 diabetes at school, preparation is the key. That includes preparing for classwork and homework, as well as for physical activities and lunch. Also, it would be good to talk to your child about their daily routine and help them develop a schedule that works for them. 

Another crucial thing for you is ensuring they have all the necessary tools and materials. These might include:
● A Glucose Meter
● An Insulin pump
● Snacks

Along with this whole preparation, it will be beneficial in the long run to encourage them to take responsibility for their health and well-being and, therefore, to be proactive.

Collaborate With Cafeteria Staff

Unfortunately, eating in the school cafeteria can be a real challenge for kids diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The best solution would be to talk to the school cafeteria. This way, you can ensure your child has access to healthy, nutritious, and low-carbohydrate food options.

Child eating in the cafeteria.
The school cafeteria is a significant challenge when navigating school life with type 1 diabetes.

The low-carb food options will help regulate their blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. That is why working this matter with the cafeteria out and having them provide alternative options is vital. Ultimately, you can encourage your child to bring their lunch to school if you don’t feel satisfied with the cafeteria’s offer.

Foster good communication to navigate school life with type 1 diabetes favorably. When it comes to managing type 1 diabetes at school, good communication is essential. That is why you should encourage your child to communicate openly with their teachers and classmates so that they are aware of the condition and how it affects your child.

Another idea is to encourage and help your child in managing their diabetes. They should be able to speak up for their needs, especially at school. Moreover, having regular check-ins with the school nurse and teacher will help ensure that your child’s needs are met and that any concerns are addressed promptly.

Encourage Physical Activity

As we all know, physical activity is essential for everyone. However, this statement stands even more for children with type 1 diabetes, as it helps regulate blood sugar levels and improves overall health.

That’s why it’s vital to encourage your kid to participate in physical activities at school. But on the other hand, ensuring that their teachers and coaches understand the importance of monitoring their blood sugar levels during exercise is another must-do.

Two girls running as physical activity is crucial for navigating school life with type 1 diabetes.
Working with the school in providing a safe environment for your child’s physical activity is equally important as everything mentioned above.

Join Support Groups

Subsequently, there are numerous support groups and resources for families that have children with type 1 diabetes. Joining a local support group can be a great source of information, encouragement, and support. Alternatively, you can find many helpful websites and groups online and on social media platforms, such as Facebook groups.

These resources will help you navigate your and your child’s life with type 1 diabetes. Also, they will offer you support from people walking in your shoes. And, sometimes, words of support and encouragement are all we need to get going and succeed in this situation.

Final Words On Navigating School Life With Type 1 Diabetes

Navigating school life with type 1 diabetes can be a challenge. However, with the proper preparation and advice, it will make everything very doable. By following our advice, you will be able to encourage your kid to take care of themselves and know when to ask for help. While informing everyone at school will make you feel at rest in case there’s an emergency. That’s why your child can live a full life, including their school years, and thrive in all areas of life with the proper support and preparation.

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Bedtime Routines That Are Most Effective For Kids

A girl asleep hugging a teddy bear.

Grownups are all too familiar with the importance of rest for one’s body and soul. Whenever
offered some, they will take it as the nicest little perk life can provide us with. But children
are new to this world and always want to stay awake just a bit longer to explore. But to develop
properly, they must get enough sleep. Unfortunately, they are too young to put rest on their
priority list. So it’s up to parents to find ways to ease them into the proper sleep schedule that
will benefit their health. With that in mind, here are the bedtime routines that are most effective
for kids.

A Warm Bath Followed By A Warm Cup Of Milk

If you want to be scientific about it, showering 3 hours before bedtime enhances the natural
processes that lead to falling asleep. Namely, the body cools down as the time for bed
approaches. And showering at a certain time helps that. In the case of children, it is not much
different. Regular showering at the end of the day also helps them build personal hygiene habits that are among the important skills every child needs to acquire. The warm water will help relax their muscles and prepare them for comfy sheets and even more comfortable pillows.

After the shower, you can offer your kid a cup of warm milk. This soothing liquid adored by
millions has been proven to help kids and adults alike fall asleep for generations. And here’s a
fun fact about it. By giving a warm glass of it to your child regularly before bed, you will be
creating a healthy sleeping potion for them for the future. Adults that have been given warm milk
before bed as children unconsciously associate it with warmth and sleepiness in their adult years.
A cool trick, right?

A person bathing a child as part of the bedtime routine.
Give your child a nice bath a few hours before bed, which will speed up the natural processes of falling asleep.

A Bedtime Storytime

A child’s imagination has great potential and constantly seeks stimulation. That is why children
like stories. Besides, children love it when you focus your full attention on them, which you
certainly will by reading a story to them. Or tell them one you just made up, whichever works
better for you. As kids are not keen on going to bed, they will accept it more eagerly if they
know that bed is the place where you hear some beautiful tales. Those excerpts from the fairy
tale will fire up their imagination to develop the most amazing dreams.

Reading to your child before bed is not only one of the best bedtime routines but also an
excellent opportunity to introduce them to learning new things the fun way. You can read fun
about different types of animals or about other countries. That way, they would be learning
and falling asleep at the same time.

A woman and a little girl covered in a blanket are reading a story.
One of the most effective bedtime routines includes reading your child a story that will inspire nice dreams.

A Pre-sleep Massage

One study conducted a few years ago concluded that massaging a child for about 15 minutes as part of
the bedtime routine leads to it being more relaxed and falling asleep faster. Well, this is
probably not only true about children but let’s focus on them for the moment. If your child feels
restless and uninterested in sleeping, try this technique, it should work quite fine. Of course, we
are not talking about the actual muscle-squeezing, aggressive massage. It should be more like
scratching and cuddling, but it serves the same purpose.

A Relaxing Game

Some kids need gradual transitioning from hyperactive running around to falling asleep. To
achieve this, you can encourage a half hour of relaxing playing that includes board games or
something else that is sedentary.

Parents can also participate in this and take the opportunity to chat with the kid along the way.
If significant changes are coming, such as moving, this may be the perfect opportunity to gently
break the news to the child. That way, when the time comes to pack your kid’s room and get it
ready for transfer
, it will be a less stressful experience. The child will be prepared for it.

A boy playing chess.
Active children can transition to sleeping by engaging in more relaxing activities that do not involve too much running around.

Turn Off Electronic Devices

Unfortunately, our children have become somewhat addicted to electronic devices of various
types. That comes with many consequences for their development, of which rarely any are
positive. In the context of falling asleep, staring at phones, tablets, TVs, and computers is hugely
Introducing the period without these can make your child fall asleep much faster
and more soundly. How to do that? Well, one option is to lead by example. You can’t expect
your child to peacefully accept a no-phone period while you are staring at your phone at that

Always remember that children learn from us even when we are not telling them what to do. For
them, we are the teachers of life, and we do everything right. Therefore, if a mom is on her
phone all day and holds it in her hand before falling asleep, the kid thinks that is exactly what
one should be doing. So, for the benefit of your children’s healthy sleep routine, control your
urge to indulge in the electronic device world.

Listen To A Lullaby

Finally, one should never underestimate the simple old ways that have been effective for
centuries. For children (and adults alike, as a matter of fact), certain lulling melodies act as
relaxants that make them dreamy fairly quickly. You can sing if you can, and that is something
kids love. But a recorded melody will do as well. Furthermore, this technique is easy to perform.
It will bond you with your child and promote sweet dreams.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the point of all these bedtime routines that are most effective for kids is to make
them relaxed enough to enter the world of sleep the best way possible. Your child will quickly
get used to it,
and falling asleep on time will be a breeze. So good luck with it, and good night!

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The Most Common Signs Of A Child With Undiagnosed Diabetes

insulin pen, diabetic measurement tools, and pills

About 283,000 Americans under age 20 are diagnosed with diabetes, making it the most common endocrine disease in children. Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the body either does not produce the pancreatic hormone insulin or does not use it properly. Insulin controls the level of glucose in the blood and the amount of sugar absorbed into the cells. Glucose is our primary energy source for all bodily functions. But, without insulin, glucose stays in our blood and can’t reach cells.

Although diabetes has no cure, there is a way to manage it and stay healthy. That is why it is essential to recognize the most common signs of a child with undiagnosed diabetes on time. Early treatment can prevent complications later on.

What are the types of diabetes?

Two types of diabetes can affect children. Both are rising due to numerous factors, such as pollution, poor eating habits, and lack of physical activity.


The causes of type 1 diabetes can be genetic. Still, sometimes it occurs more often due to autoimmune damage to the pancreas during viral infections, so insulin is either reduced or not secreted. It can develop at any age but is most common in children and adolescents. It requires mandatory compensation for insulin because there is an almost complete lack of this hormone.


Type 2 diabetes results from two interrelated causes. The first is insufficient secretion of insulin in the pancreas. Another reason is the inability of our cells to respond to insulin, which is why they can’t take in sugar properly. Commonly it is diagnosed in older adults, but its prevalence in children is increasing due to obesity, physical inactivity, and poor diet. It often has a slow, gradual onset that makes detection and diagnosis difficult in children.

What Are The Most Common Signs Of A Child With
Undiagnosed Diabetes?

The most common symptoms of diabetes in children we often call the 4 Ts:
● Toilet
● Thirsty
● Tired
● Thinner


Under normal circumstances, kidneys absorb excess glucose from the bloodstream. But if there
is too much glucose in the blood, the kidneys will not be able to absorb it completely. Your
kidneys produce more urine to remove excess glucose from the body, which leads to more
frequent urination. This urge may be more prevalent at night. Any change in the frequency of
urination in your child, primarily if it occurs at night, might be a sign of a child with undiagnosed

Little girl drinking water
A constant feeling of thirst is a sign of a child with undiagnosed diabetes


A constant feeling of thirst is associated with frequent urination. Excess sugar in the blood leads
to water withdrawal from the tissues and its transfer into the bloodstream, which causes
dehydration. As the kidneys remove excess water, the person becomes further dehydrated,
causing them to consume more water and feel thirsty.


A child with undiagnosed diabetes may feel constantly tired. The lack of sugar available to the
cell decreases energy production, which is why children feel fatigued. They may feel sluggish
even after a good night’s sleep. Parents should also pay attention to the ups and downs in their
energy levels during the day.


Changes in body weight are regular before the diagnosis of diabetes. Weight loss occurs due to
the body’s inability to obtain enough nutrients from the food it consumes. If your child shows an
increased appetite and eats more but still loses weight, it is one of the signs that your child may
have undiagnosed diabetes. Keep in mind that type 2 diabetes can lead to gradual weight gain. 
If you notice any 4T signs, take your child to the doctor and insist on a blood glucose test.

Other Signs You Should Pay Attention To

There are other early signs that the child may have diabetes. Those are: 
● Blurred vision
● Nausea and vomiting
● Belly pain
● Irritability and mood changes
● Fruity breath and fast breathing
● Yeast infection in girls

How Can I Help My Child?

Diagnosing diabetes in a child can be a stressful experience for the entire family, both the parents
and the child. As a parent, you may wonder how you can help your child accept and take control
of their illness while still having all the carefree childhood experiences.

Learn To Control Diabetes

Learn how to control diabetes. Ask a doctor to tell you how to recognize the symptoms of low
and high blood sugar and what to do in these situations. Inform the kindergarten teachers or
school teachers about this, as well as others in constant contact with your child. Check your
child’s blood glucose level regularly. When your child reaches the required age, teach him to do
it independently and to give himself insulin injections correctly. There are several myths about
that are widespread. Get to know the facts.

A girl playing tennis
Physical activity is crucial in diabetes control

Build Diabetes-Friendly Environment

Quality of life is essential for keeping diabetes under control. Research has clearly shown a link
between pollution and insulin resistance, so it’s best to avoid such areas if possible. Physical
activity is one of the crucial aspects of diabetes control. Ensure your child has access to
playgrounds,  sports fields, and regular exercise. If you decide to change your current place of
residence and find one more suitable for you and your family, professionals from recommend hiring the best moving company to help you with this task.

Bowl of fruit and oatmealvegetable salad
Make a good meal plan

Eat Healthily 

Diet is important for diabetes control. Make a good meal plan. Try to get your child to eat foods
high in fiber, such as whole grains, vegetables, and foods with a lower glycemic index. Discover
new healthy recipes that will make meals more diverse.

Final Words

Early detection is essential in diabetes because early treatment can prevent serious
complications. That is why it is necessary to recognize the most common signs of a child with
undiagnosed diabetes and consult a doctor if needed. We hope this text can help you with that.

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Simple Ways To Encourage Learning

black father reading to a baby

By Jassica Mendez

Personality significantly shapes a child’s outlook on school and their general disposition toward learning. Every child can improve their learning abilities with the right motivation and a solid grasp of the fundamentals. It’s best to start fostering learning and engaging with the world from a young age. That is not as hard as it may sound. Here are a few simple ways to encourage learning.

1. Read To Them

The best way to help your kid learn is to read to them. It’s always nice to spend time reading to your kid. If your kids love their bedtime stories, try replacing a fairytale with a story about preserving the environment. Occasionally change out the type of stories you read them. You can introduce them to comic books and animated children‘s books or have them pick out a book they want themselves. If they enjoy being at the bookstore, you could even take out a library card for them so they may borrow books when they wish. Is a dinosaur the protagonist in their favorite work of fiction? Get a dinosaur-related nonfiction book from the library and read it together. Set aside time every day to read aloud to one another, whether before supper, at bedtime, or in the tub.

a mom reading a book to her toddler
Reading to your kids is one of the best ways to engage them in learning and an excellent bonding time for you.

2. Explore Their Passion

Consider what your youngster is into or excited about right now. Did they really like reading about space? Do they have a fascination with insects? If your kid loves cars, for example, you can take them on a weekly adventure and explore different forms of transportation around your city. You can take the metro, a city bus, then a shuttle bus around your area. Your kid would love to try out various rides. If you are moving soon, Master Moving Guide advises you to help them pack your trunk or moving truck. That’s an excellent opportunity to develop their spacial organization skill. A farm or environment center would be a great place to take your kid if they love animals. And if they appreciate art, discover a nearby art show. During field trips, their passions are elevated to the level of an adventure, and what we consider routine may seem extraordinary to them.

3. Make It Fun

There are always ways to make learning fun. Think about those green smoothie recipes that taste nice enough that your youngster doesn’t notice the hidden spinach or kale. Even if our children don’t find a particular topic interesting, you can trick them (just like hidden spinach in the smoothie). For example, last week, my first grader informed me that he did not want to study on the weekends when I attempted to assist him with spelling. And he was really adamant about it. Then he saw I was engaged in a word game and politely requested to join in. He became so absorbed that he forgot he was also improving his spelling skills. This way, you are setting an excellent example for your kid, and as we all know, children can pick up on their parents’ habits quickly.

a family doing a project together
One of the simplest ways to encourage learning is to involve the whole family in doing a fun project.

4. Make It A project

If your kid enjoys dismantling items, you should gather damaged small appliances and give them a chance to do just that as part of a project. If your kid enjoys making things out of fabric and thread, let them be creative with it! Nothing beats the joy of building something with Legos or working on a family project together.

Even moving to a new place can be perceived as a family project. Besides all the activities it involves and many of which you can do together, you should take the opportunity to explain why the move and the change of school is necessary. To help them adapt easier, explain to your kids how important attending a good school is using the language they can understand. And tell your kid you think the world of them and that you have faith in them.

5. Bring Them Places

You don’t have to take them to a museum necessarily. Your youngster may learn a lot from a visit to a working post office or bakery or even just a stroll in the woods. Allow them to see the building process by stopping by several construction sites. While taking your kids to see plays, sports games, dances, and cultural events is fantastic, don’t forget that even the mundane things going on in your community might spark their curiosity and interest in learning. But be sure to be attentive and answer all questions they might have, even if they are silly, to the best of your ability.

a dad playing with his daughter outside
Kids can often find the littlest of things fascinating.

Alt: a dad playing with his daughter outside

Caption: Kids can often find the littlest of things fascinating.

6. Give Them Incentives

The pride your kid will feel after solving a problem, spelling out a word, or attempting something new is a great payoff for the time and effort you put into promoting their education. Make sure to reward them for their hard work, even when they struggle to find an answer. These simple ways to encourage learning are enough to spark an interest in them. Just remember to let them learn at their own pace. Encourage them to keep trying even if they get a poor outcome since the learning process is more important than the solution.

Make talking about learning a regular part of your interactions with your kid. You may help satisfy their insatiable need for information by discussing your ideas and theories with them or consulting reference materials together. Ask them free-form questions about topics that fascinate them.

People might lose out on learning opportunities when they focus too much only on mathematics, reading, and sitting still. You don’t want to risk stifling your children’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. If you set the stage for learning at every turn, you won’t even have to spend a lot of time sitting down and making them write for hours.

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Guide To Setting A Good Example For Your Kids

A father throwing his toddler into the air while the child is smiling.

Being a parent is the most important task you’ll ever have since you are in charge of shaping a member of the next generation. However, this is easier said than done. Even if you’ve read all of the parenting books out there, nothing can make you a perfect parent since such a thing does not exist. But by setting a good example for your kids, you will teach them core lessons they will take with them throughout their lives. Follow this simple guide, and you will see your child blossom by following in your footsteps.

Show and talk about your feelings

Although you should be the rock your children can lean on, you shouldn’t be afraid to show some weakness. Showing your feelings and being vulnerable with your children is incredibly beneficial for their growth since they will learn feelings are a normal part of life. This means you should share all sorts of feelings with them, whether it is about how difficult diabetes can be for you or how sad you are your family dog passed away. Be vocal about how you feel. However, do not burden them with your negative feelings to the point they’ll feel responsible for making you feel better.

Do not let emotions overwhelm you

Do you want your teenager to manage their emotions better? Well, then you should do the same! It is essential to start with this early on so they have a role model to go off of. However, it is never too late. Whenever you feel any emotion, be careful how you express it and how you act because of it. The child should learn that even though you may be angry, you are not responding violently or negatively. The same goes for any other emotion, even positive ones. Do not repress your feelings, simply manage them better for your and your child’s sake. This way, your kids will have a suitable guide to follow whenever they feel angry, unhappy, annoyed, or stressed.

Ask for their help whenever possible

Asking for their help whenever you can is a terrific method to teach your kids essential life skills and to let them know that it is ok to ask for help when necessary. The tasks you ask them to help you with should be adapted based on their age and capabilities. For example, if you are packing for a move, State to State Move advises you to ask your child for help. You could tell them you are stressed about the move and need help packing their room. Afterward, help them pack their items and teach them how to do so. Other tasks like cooking, cleaning, and organizing can also be thought of by giving them simple tasks they can achieve. However, always preface it by asking them for their valuable help.

Take care of your health

Your health is your wealth. This is why, starting at an early age, you must instill in your child the importance of caring for their physical health. The best way to do so is by teaching and reinforcing healthy habits. Do you want them to eat healthy foods? Then prepare yummy, healthy foods for the whole family. Do you want them to exercise daily? Then go on family walks and show them how much you value your health as well. Going to sleep on time, taking care of your hygiene, and having regular checkups are just a few things they can learn from your example.

A mother, father, and child cutting up fruits and vegetables in the kitchen.
Cooking healthy food with them is an amazing way of setting a good example for your kids.

Ask for their opinion

If you want to raise self-assured kids who will openly express their thoughts, it is crucial to teach your kids that their opinions count. Anytime you can get their viewpoint. For instance, if you want to remodel their room, find out what colors they prefer. Follow through with their decision or make compromises until you come to a reasonable solution that you can both agree on. You can ask them for minor or significant choices depending on their age. However, know that this means they will come to you with their opinions even if you haven’t asked. Moreover, since they are a unique person, you must accept them if they hold views that differ from your own.

Explain the decisions they may not like

No matter what, there will come a time you will have to make a decision they may not like. You might want them to brush their teeth before bed, sleep or have a doctor’s checkup. Whatever the case, you must talk to them and explain your reasoning behind these decisions. Tell them brushing their teeth will keep them healthy, they need their sleep so they can play tomorrow, and they will feel better when the doctor helps. They may not like the reasoning. However, you will be setting an excellent example for your kids by giving them the reasons behind your decisions.

Admit when you are in the wrong

Everybody makes mistakes; however, you must take accountability for them and admit when you are wrong. So, if you genuinely want to set a good example for your kids, you must tell them that even you can make a mistake. Furthermore, show them you are willing to become and do better. This will instill in them the knowledge that they should always accept responsibility for their mistakes and that doing so will help them grow as a person.

A mother talking to her toddler while her baby is strapped to her chest.
You will build a stronger bond with your children if you admit when you are wrong.

Be kind to others

The last thing you must remember to do when setting a good example for your kids is to be kind to others. Show them how you care for others around you, compliment others sincerely, listen to others, give gifts to those you care about, and always be kind. They will learn from your example, and this will help them in everyday situations such as meeting new people or adjusting to a new school. If they are at the right age, you may even show compassion by volunteering together and helping others in need.

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How To Talk To Your Child About Diabetes

Glucose meter surrounded by sweets on a blue surface

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

If your child has been diagnosed with diabetes at such a tender age, we understand it can be frightening. Even though it can be hard to explain that they have a life-long condition, there are ways you can help them feel more confident and understand the issue better. Having this condition doesn’t mean kids can’t be kids. On the contrary, your kid’s confidence, good health, and understanding start with having an open and positive conversation. For instance, there are numerous sugar-free cookie recipes and delicious treats, so don’t think they’ll miss all the fun. The article below shares some things to keep in mind if you wish to talk to your child about diabetes and make their diagnosis feel manageable.

What to keep in mind if you want to talk to your child about diabetes

All changes we experience throughout our lives can be overwhelming and even shocking. Each change our family faces should be taken under great thought and honest conversation. Parenting a child diagnosed with diabetes isn’t easy, especially if you’re trying to manage other family obligations like preparing for a long-distance move or home renovations. That’s why it’s crucial to have a plan in place to guide you. This way, you’ll make sure you’re all ready for the moving day, and your child will know what to expect along the way, especially when it comes to their medication and nutrition.

Above all, you will have to find a way to explain they will need to follow a particular meal plan, monitor their glucose levels, and take insulin shots. Their condition is here to stay, so you will all need to make changes to your lives be empathetic and patient until it becomes a routine. This is why you need to learn about their condition so you’ll be able to explain it to them. Here’s some advice to help you have an effective conversation.

Remain honest

First and foremost, it’s crucial to always tell the truth to your child. Then, if they start asking questions, be sure you give them answers, even the unpleasant ones. Getting all of your questions answered helps everyone feel more in control and learn more about the condition itself.

Another common situation is that kids feel they’ve done something wrong and got this diagnosis. For that reason, we as parents must make it clear this isn’t the case.

Finally, you need to make sure they know their diabetes isn’t going away and that you will all need to learn how to live your best lives with keeping it manageable. At this point, your child might feel upset and sad. This is where it’s important to welcome these emotions and tell them it’s okay they think this way. Encourage them to talk about it openly and share any doubts or frustrations they might have.

Stay positive

How we handle certain situations reflects on our kids, especially if they’re young. This is why we need to make sure we sent the right message:

Their diabetes is here to stay. You will need to learn the ways to manage it. Luckily, together you can get it under control.

When you discuss your child’s condition, it’s vital to be supportive and make these open conversations a part of your everyday life. Regular talk is what normalizes the situation. You will help your kid understand that it’s possible to keep their condition under control with proper management, mindful care, and live a normal life.

A positive father laughing with his daughter, which is crucial if you want to talk to your child about diabetes
It’s essential to remain positive when you want to talk to your child about diabetes.

Here are some ways you can encourage your young child with diabetes.

  • Praise them each time they pick out a healthy snack.
  • Praise them when they finish their dinner. 
  • Compliment them each time they take on some self-care responsibilities.

Our kids look to us for guidance, so how we deal with their condition affects how they feel and act. For example, if we overreact and get angry about their high sugar levels, our children can be less honest about their sugar readings in the future.

Be informed

Another vital thing is to stay on top of the latest diabetes care information and pass it on to your child. You can use this opportunity to make this a fun learning experience for both you and your child and not feel pressured to become an expert in the field right away.

Be excited to find out some types of sweets will still be on the menu, that they still can play, exercise, and have fun like their friends, but that insulin is a necessity. 

A glucose meter, a blue ribbon, and dice saying diabetes.
Making diabetes less scary and a fun learning process can help minimize the fear your child might feel.

Be supportive

Finally, being diagnosed with diabetes can be confusing and stressful. This is why it’s essential to educate the whole family about the matter and involve everyone in your child’s journey

If you have other children who don’t have this diagnosis, it would be good to discuss why keeping a healthy lifestyle is essential to everyone, not just those with diabetes. Try to include each family member in meal and activity plans so your kid with a diagnosis doesn’t feel left out or special in a negative sense.

Having involved family members is a crucial part of managing diabetes throughout childhood.

Age-appropriate conversations about diabetes

Finally, here are some tips on how to talk to your child about diabetes according to their age.

  1. Infants and toddlers don’t understand why they need to have their fingers poked. Making this a daily routine will help, like diaper changes or naps. In addition, it would help perform diabetes care gently and quickly and be soothing and reassuring afterward.
  2. Preschool kids will also rely on their parents for diabetes care. However, you can explain the care-related obligations in simple terms, so they know what’s happening. It could also help to give them some sense of control by, for example, asking them which finger they want to use for the glucose test. 
  3. Kids in school should learn how to take on some of their diabetes care but with parental guidance. It’s vital to remain supportive and not push your child, but allow them to take on new responsibilities gradually. It’s also this age when they might start feeling sensitive about being different from their peers. It would help if you understood these temporary setbacks and avoided being overprotective. You could also emphasize that once they take responsibility for their diabetes care, it will be easier to attend different parties and have sleepovers.
  4. Teenagers are the ones that could make poor decisions about their diabetes care due to peer pressure. This is when you should talk about drugs, sexuality, alcohol, and how this can affect their condition. Just keep in mind there’s a fine line between lecturing and offering support. This is why it would help if you approached your child in a caring manner
A mother and daughter taking a walk and talking about diabetes
When wanting to discuss diabetes with your kid, it’s essential to keep their age in mind.

Final thoughts on how to talk to your child about diabetes

Finally, when you are preparing to talk to your child about diabetes, it could help if you found a support group to help you connect with other parents and kids in the same condition. Talking to your kids about their condition can be difficult at any age. However, keeping the communication honest and open is the key. The more you speak to them about it, the more prepared they’ll be for taking care of their diabetes when you’re apart. 

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How to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Healthy

Healthy food displayed on a table

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

One of the biggest challenges for parents is making sure their kids have a healthy diet. And it’s becoming increasingly difficult with all the junk food advertising bombarding us. Not to mention the hectic lifestyle many parents have nowadays that can affect kids’ diets. Lack of time and stress make it easier to order takeout than to plan a meal. However, all is not lost. There are ways to encourage your kids to eat healthy that you might not know. Therefore, we dedicated this article to eating healthy and making kids embrace healthy foods. Continue reading to see how easy it can be to improve your children’s nutrition with a few simple changes.

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet means that your children will benefit from all the nutrients they need for growth. It will aid in their development, keep them healthy, and improve the quality of their sleep. And the sooner you can incorporate healthy foods into your children’s diet, the sooner you will be able to see the results. Your children will develop a healthy relationship with food and can even begin to appreciate and prefer it, especially if the food is prepared at home and shared with the entire family during meals.

But what exactly should a healthy diet contain?

Here is a list of types of food that you should incorporate into your child’s diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables – the aim is to have five portions a day.
  • Dairy or dairy substitutes – they should consume them every day.
  • Meat or fish – you can also include it in the daily menu.
  • Legumes – beans or lentils, for example, can also be included in the daily menu.
  • Rice, pasta, or potatoes – you should create the main meals based on these ingredients.
Person showing some vegetables.
It is up to you to choose the best healthy foods for your children, especially if they have dietary allergies or intolerance.

How to incorporate good foods into your child’s diet?

1.   Talk Openly With Your Kids About Healthy Eating

The easiest way to encourage your kids to eat healthy is to make them interested in healthy food. The first step would be to talk to them openly about healthy eating. Explain to them why some foods are good and why others are not. Also, be patient, let them ask all the questions, and answer sincerely. You will notice that if you’re honest and upfront, they’ll start initiating conversations. And when they do, the path is open. They’ll soon begin to question if one food or another is good for them and if they should eat it.

2.   Get Your Kids Involved In Preparing Meals

When your kids get involved in family tasks, they feel important and appreciated. One of those tasks can be preparing a meal for the whole family, or preparing their plate as they wish. Just give them the ingredients and let them choose how they will arrange them on the plate. Also, you can prepare a yummy and healthy dessert together. You can make some sugar-free cookies, for example, that the entire family will enjoy. Talk to your kids about the ingredients and why you’re using them while you’re cooking. In addition, find age-appropriate tasks that they can do. Measuring the ingredients, mixing them, or shaping the cookies, are good examples. These are also great ways to teach kids how they can play with food in a good way.

Mother encouraging her child to eat healthier by preparing a healthy dessert together.
Encourage your kids to eat healthy by getting them involved in the preparation of different meals.

3. Introduce New Foods Gradually

If you wish to change your children’s eating habits, you won’t be able to do it overnight. One of the first rules for encouraging your kids to eat healthy is to use moderation. Don’t force new foods on your kids constantly, and don’t expect them to embrace them immediately. Instead, try to add one new ingredient once a week, for instance, by adding it to something they like. It will be easier for children to accept it if you put it alongside something they already love eating. If your kids like pasta, you can make them some healthy pasta primavera. Add some of the ingredients they already like, but also add one new one. After they eat, point out that they have eaten that ingredient and ask for their opinion of it. If they like it, you can add a new one the next time you prepare it.

4.   Stock Up On Healthy Foods

One of the reasons kids tend to have bad eating habits is diversity. Don’t get us wrong; food variety is good, but not when it comes to picking bad foods over healthy ones. So, when it comes to making a decision, make sure your children have a choice between two good products. Cut down on junk food and stock up on healthy foods. Have fruit available all the time and plenty of healthy snacks. This will make it easier for you to control your children’s diet, even in non-typical situations like a move. Because relocations can be a bit frustrating, your eating habits can suffer during this process. However, if you plan ahead, you can find the best solution for the moving day meals. And if you only have healthy goods on hand, you will ensure that your family will stay healthy. So take your time and try to plan each meal before, during, and after the relocation. It might be a bit time-consuming, but as we all know, health comes first.

Jars containing various combinations of nutritious foods.
If you are relocating to a new home, you can prepare breakfast for the moving day in advance.

5.   Lead By Example

Kids will always look up to their parents. And if they see a food habit repeated, they will adopt it. So to encourage your kids to eat healthy, be careful what message your eating habits are sending. If kids constantly see you eating chocolate or chips, don’t expect them to accept eating their vegetables. But if they see you eating fruits and vegetables all the time, they will want to do the same. Also, teach your children to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. You can do this by serving smaller portions on their plates and not forcing them to eat all the food if they don’t want to. Never encourage overeating and try to set a good example once more.

6.   Highlight The Importance Of Breakfast

Kids that have a healthy breakfast are usually in a better mood, have improved memory, and have lots of energy. Therefore, educate your kids about the importance of a healthy breakfast by making it fun. Offer them healthy food accompanied by a low-sugar treat. For example, you can make some hard-boiled eggs and pair them with their favorite cereal and an apple. Or, you can make breakfast burritos with scrambled eggs and cheese and add leftover oatmeal muffins as a snack. They will be more open to accepting healthy food if there is a treat waiting at the end.

In Conclusion

Knowing how to encourage your kids to eat healthy may seem more complicated than it is. You just need to be patient and, from time to time, accept small defeats. Instead of initiating stressful food battles, you need to realize that what your kids eat over time is more important than having a snack once in a while. After all, eating some popcorn during a movie or enjoying some chocolate now and then are everyone’s small pleasures in life. So don’t be too hard on yourself or your kids, as long as you manage to balance these minor escapades with a healthy diet.

Meta Description: If you want to know how to encourage your kids to eat healthy, make sure to read our article on the subject and use the solutions we found.

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Tips to Help Your Child Adjust When Moving to a New School

Girls walking to school.

by Jassica Mendez

Major life changes often require a period of adjusting to new circumstances. This is true for adults, but even more so for kids. As adults, we know why we make certain life-changing decisions. That makes us motivated and enthusiastic about this new chapter in our lives. On the other hand, children are rarely active participants in the decision-making process. For that reason, transitioning to another school is often a challenging and difficult period. As we all know, school is an important aspect of every child’s life. It’s the place where they learn and play, make new friends, and fall in love for the first time. Although the change is for the better, your child will certainly need some extra love and support during this time. With that in mind, here are some valuable tips to help your child adjust when moving to a new school.

Talk openly with your kid about changing schools

Children often don’t understand why the change is necessary or important. Instead, they find comfort in routine and familiarity. That’s why it’s important to discuss matters openly in advance.

Talk to your child about the reasons for moving, what they can expect at their new school, or even home and town. This will give them precious time to come to terms with the change and start adjusting. Of course, be ready for their reaction, whether positive or negative, as well as for a ton of questions.

Include your child actively in the process

What causes a lot of stress and anxiety when moving to a new school is the fear of losing control. Children, in general, don’t have much control over their environment or get to make a lot of ‘important’ decisions.

To help them gain some control back, let them make as many decisions as they can and participate actively during the change. If possible, let your child choose between two schools in the same neighborhood. Or, if that is not possible, let them choose their new school supplies and outfits. In this way, kids will feel involved and valued. Knowing that their voice is heard will help them build confidence and self-esteem.

school supplies
Choosing their own school supplies and making other meaningful decisions will help your child adapt better

Cherish the old but be enthusiastic about the new

Every child matters, and their opinions and feelings have value and importance. The same goes for their memories and affection for the old school. Help them stay in touch with their old friends and teachers and cherish their previous experiences.

However, it’s crucial to have a positive attitude toward the new school and focus on creating new experiences there. Children are experts in picking up clues from our words and behavior. If you’re happy and enthusiastic about the change, they’ll likely follow suit.

Visit the school if possible

Another excellent way to help your child adjust when moving to a new school is to visit it beforehand. Go together through the school building and grounds and focus on everything great about it.

If possible, visit during the school session so your kid can meet the principal, their new teacher, and maybe even their new schoolmates. That way, your child won’t feel lost on their first day there. Instead, it will be easier for them to find their way around, and they’ll know what to expect.

Help your child make friends

For most kids, the scariest thing about the new school is starting all over with making friends. Depending on your kid’s age, there are ways you can help them to connect with their peers faster. Of course, the last thing you want to do is try to get dates for your teenager!

However, when it comes to younger kids, organizing a playdate is an excellent idea. You can also encourage your child to choose an extracurricular activity they love. It will enable them to connect to other kids over shared interests. Additionally, if you’re moving to a new home, once you settle, you can throw a housewarming party for your child’s school friends!

Three kids playing in front of a house
Making friends and exploring interests is crucial when moving to a new school

Establish the new routine

Changing routines can be especially stressful for a child. That’s why you should work on establishing a new one as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances, try to incorporate as many elements of the old one as possible. For example, maintaining a healthy lifestyle while getting up a bit earlier to catch the school bus is an excellent idea.

Be understanding and supportive

Naturally, your child will need a lot of your love and support during this period. Lend them an ear whenever they need it and acknowledge their feelings. Knowing that they have you at their side at all times will be encouraging.

This is especially important if moving to a new school isn’t the only significant change. For example, if you’ve relocated to a new home in a new city, your child will likely need more time to settle in. Moving with kids is already stressful in itself. However, if you discuss everything openly with your kids, it can turn into a well-organized and easy process. Let them arrange their belongings and decorate their room, and soon they’ll also enjoy their new home.

A family cooking together.
Quality time at home will help children feel happy and safe in their new home

Plan some quality time at home

Of course, nothing can compare with precious family time. With a new school and challenges there, your kid will appreciate the safety net the home provides. Instead of focusing strictly on school matters, plan some time to indulge in activities you all enjoy as a family. Whether it’s a movie night or baking everyone’s favorite cookies together, your child will love it. It will provide a perfect opportunity to relax and recharge batteries. In this way, you’ll connect old routines and traditions with the new environment.

Give your child enough time to settle at their new school

Last but not least, be realistic with your expectations. Each child is different and is likely to have different attitudes and challenges. Be patient and let your child find their own feet at their own pace. Although you can’t adapt to their new school for them, you can help them along the way. Follow these tips to help your child adjust when moving to a new school, and soon it will feel as welcoming and comfortable as the old one.

Meta description: Moving to a new school is often a stressful and challenging period for children. Learn more on how to help your child adjust well!