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Exploring New Food Options for Diabetics in Your New Hometown

people sitting in a restaurant eating a variety of food

By Jassica Mendez

Moving to a new hometown is an exciting adventure, but it can also present unique challenges, especially if you are living with diabetes. One of the important aspects of managing diabetes is maintaining a balanced diet. As you settle into your new surroundings, you may wonder about the food options that align with your dietary needs. Learn about the various food options for diabetics in your new hometown, will help you make informed choices for your health and enjoyment.

Local Markets and Grocery Stores

Your first stop on the journey to finding diabetes-friendly food options in your new hometown should be the local markets and grocery stores. These places can offer many fresh and nutritious choices.

Fresh Produce

Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Opt for non-starchy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower, which have a lower impact on blood sugar levels. These nutrient-packed veggies provide essential vitamins and minerals and add vibrant colors to your plate. Try to incorporate a variety of colorful vegetables into your diet to ensure a broad range of nutrients that support overall health.

Lean Proteins

Lean meats, poultry, fish, and tofu are excellent protein sources. They help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full. Consider marinating or seasoning your proteins with herbs and spices for added flavor without relying on high-sugar sauces or marinades. Grilled chicken or baked fish can be incredibly tasty diabetes-friendly options.

Grilled chicken with vegetables on a plate
Ensure you get enough lean protein when exploring food options for diabetics

Whole Grains

Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta over refined grains. They are rich in fiber and have a lower glycemic index. Whole grains provide a steady release of energy and help control blood sugar spikes. Experiment with different whole grains to keep your meals interesting and nutritious. Try quinoa as a base for salads or whole wheat pasta with a tomato-based sauce for a satisfying meal.

Low-Fat Dairy

To maintain a healthy diet, select low-fat or fat-free dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese. These dairy options provide essential calcium and protein without the added saturated fats found in full-fat dairy products. Greek yogurt, in particular, can be an excellent choice for its higher protein content, making it a filling and diabetes-friendly snack or breakfast option when paired with fresh berries or nuts.

Local Restaurants and Cafes

Eating out can be a delightful experience in your new hometown, and it’s possible to do so while managing your diabetes effectively. When dining out, keep the following tips in mind with food options for diabetics.

Research Menus

Many restaurants now offer nutritional information online. Look for restaurants that include diabetes-friendly options on their menus. This proactive approach lets you plan your meals, making sure you make healthier choices that align with your dietary needs. Prioritize establishments that provide transparent information about ingredients and nutritional values.

Portion Control

Be mindful of portion sizes. Consider sharing dishes or taking leftovers home to avoid overindulging. Restaurant portions are often larger than what you would serve yourself at home. Don’t be afraid to ask your server for a to-go box at the beginning of the meal to portion out an appropriate serving size and save the rest for later. This simple step can help you manage your calorie intake effectively.

Choose Wisely

Opt for grilled, baked, or steamed dishes over fried or heavily sauced options. Look for dishes that feature lean proteins and plenty of vegetables. Request dressings and sauces on the side so you can control the amount you use. Also, make your meal healthier by asking for substitutions like a side salad instead of fries.

Ethnic Cuisine Exploration

One of the exciting aspects of moving to a new hometown is the opportunity to explore different cuisines. Fortunately, many ethnic foods can be part of a diabetes-friendly diet. For instance, if you have moved to Miami, you will find an abundance of choices in cuisines in this versatile city. As an added bonus, these experiences will help you make the most of Miami and enjoy it to the fullest. Consider the following options:

  • Mediterranean: Mediterranean cuisine emphasizes healthy fats, lean proteins, and plenty of vegetables. Dishes like grilled chicken or fish with a side of hummus and a Greek salad are excellent choices.
  • Asian: Asian cuisine often includes stir-fries with lean meats and vegetables. Opt for brown rice and be cautious with sauces, which may contain hidden sugars.
  • Mexican: Choose dishes with grilled or roasted proteins and plenty of fresh salsa and guacamole. Skip the heavy cheese and sour cream.
  • Indian: Indian food can be diabetes-friendly when you avoid heavy cream-based sauces and choose dishes like tandoori chicken, dal, or saag (spinach) dishes.

Cooking at Home

Cooking at home allows you complete control over your ingredients and portions. Try these cooking tips and food options for diabetics.

Experiment with Spices

Replace salt and sugar with herbs and spices to enhance flavor without adding sodium or sugar. Herbs and spices like basil, oregano, cinnamon, and garlic can add depth and complexity to your dishes without the need for excessive salt or sugar. Not only do they make your meals tastier, but they also contribute to better blood pressure and blood sugar control.

Portion Awareness

Use measuring cups and kitchen scales to portion your meals accurately, helping you maintain a balanced diet. Paying attention to portion sizes is key for managing your carbohydrate intake, directly affecting your blood sugar levels.

Meal Prep

Plan your meals and prepare them in advance. This will help you make healthier choices throughout the week. Meal prepping can save you time and ensure that you always have nutritious options readily available. Spend some time each week planning your meals, chopping vegetables, and cooking in batches. Having prepped meals or ingredients on hand reduces the temptation to grab unhealthy snacks when you’re hungry.

Healthy Cooking Methods

Bake, grill, steam, or sauté your foods instead of frying them. These methods use less oil and are better for your blood sugar levels. Frying adds unnecessary calories and unhealthy fats to your meals, which can lead to weight gain and blood sugar spikes. Baking, grilling, and steaming preserve the natural flavors of your ingredients while promoting better overall health.

Seek Local Support

Don’t hesitate to seek support from local diabetes support groups or healthcare professionals after moving to your new hometown. They can provide valuable resources, advice, and guidance tailored to your specific needs. Sharing experiences with others who understand the challenges of managing diabetes can be incredibly helpful and reassuring.

Enjoy the Food Options for Diabetics in Your New Hometown

Moving to a new hometown may seem overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can explore various delicious food options for diabetics. Embrace this new chapter in your life with confidence, knowing you have the knowledge and tools to make the best food choices for your health and well-being.

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Feasting with Care: Managing Diabetes During Joyful Holiday Meals

blood sugar meter, medication, and sweets

Passing the holiday season while managing diabetes might seem daunting, yet it is entirely possible with the right approach. The abundance of festive meals and sweet treats can make it challenging to maintain steady blood sugar levels. However, with careful planning and mindful choices, you can fully participate in the joyous celebrations. This blog post will equip you with strategies and tips for balancing diabetes management and holiday indulgences. We will cover everything from making smarter food choices to staying active and handling holiday gatherings.

Diabetes and Holiday Eating Challenges

The holiday season often heralds joy and celebration. Yet, for those managing diabetes, it signals caution. Festive feasts tempt us at every turn. Sugary treats, high-carb dishes, and lavish spreads may become overwhelming obstacles. Yet, awareness and preparation can guide our choices. Being mindful of what’s on our plate can be the difference.

On top of the usual holiday challenges, some may face the added stress of moving during the holidays. Relocating to a new city can disrupt diabetes care routines. Therefore, having access to medications and healthy food options becomes crucial, and planning becomes your best ally. So, prioritize setting up your new healthcare team and locating nearby grocery stores with healthy options as soon as you reach your new home.

cookies and holiday decorations on a table
Festive meals entice us all the time

Tips for Successful Holiday Feasting

Those managing diabetes during the holidays must balance celebrating and maintaining their health. Below are tips to help you balance festive feasting successfully.

Pre-Meal Planning and Preparation

To begin crafting your holiday menu, research recipes that are not only mouth-watering and delicious but also align with low-glycemic dietary needs, ensuring they are friendly for those managing diabetes. Strive to curate a balanced and diverse selection of dishes, incorporating various nutrients to cater to your body’s needs. This approach empowers you to relish the holiday celebrations without feeling restricted.

Portion Control and Mindful Eating

Choosing smaller plates is a strategic move that can significantly aid in managing portion sizes during festive meals. This visual trick helps in creating the illusion of a full plate, making smaller servings appear more substantial. As you go through the holiday feast, make a conscious effort to truly savor each bite, immersing yourself in the flavors and textures of the food. Eating slowly not only enhances your dining experience but also plays a crucial role in aiding digestion. This practice allows your body adequate time to signal fullness, ultimately helping to prevent overindulgence.

fruit salads on plates
Persons managing diabetes must strike a balance to protect their health.

Smart Swaps and Alternatives

Opting for whole grains over refined grains is a wise choice, especially for those managing diabetes, as whole grains generally have a lower glycemic index and provide more nutrients and fiber. That aids in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels and contributes to fullness and satisfaction after meals. In addition to choosing the right carbohydrates, prioritize lean proteins such as chicken, fish, or legumes. These provide essential amino acids without excess saturated fats. Including healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil can further enhance your meal. These fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, contributing to steadier blood sugar levels and overall better blood sugar control.

Delightful Diabetic-friendly Desserts

Indulge in diabetic-friendly desserts that delight the senses and keep blood sugar levels in check. Experiment with sugar substitutes like stevia in your baked dishes. Try fruit-based desserts for a naturally sweet treat. Berries, apples, and pears offer fiber and sweetness without a sugar spike. Make a fruit salad or bake a fruit crisp using oats and nuts for the topping.

Explore recipes that use almond or coconut flour instead of regular flour. These options have fewer carbs and a lower glycemic index. Consider a flourless chocolate cake or almond-based cookies. Use spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to enhance sweetness without added sugar. These spices bring warmth and complexity to your dessert.

Cheers to Wise Beverage Choices

To enjoy holiday festivities while managing diabetes requires mindful beverage choices. Start by primarily choosing water, an excellent option to stay hydrated without affecting blood sugar levels. Herbal teas serve as another great alternative, offering flavor without added sugars.

Be cautious of sugary drinks, as they can quickly spike blood sugar. If you enjoy alcohol, moderation is key. Limiting your intake is vital for maintaining stable glucose levels. Opt for light beer or wine over cocktails with high sugar content. If spirits are your preference, pair them with sugar-free mixers. Keep track of what you drink and balance your alcohol intake with plenty of water. This approach ensures you stay well-hydrated and supports overall health.

wine glasses filled with wine
Drink mild beer or wine instead of cocktails.

Keeping Active Amidst the Festivities

Holidays often entail festive feasts and prolonged sitting. Keeping active during these times is essential. So, how can we achieve this balance?

First, prioritize short breaks. Stand up, stretch, or even take a brief walk. These small actions re-energize the body. Next, incorporate playful activities. Think about dance-offs or charades, which involve both fun and movement. Even post-meal strolls can work wonders. Walking aids digestion and offers an opportunity to engage in light physical activity. Finally, use chores as a mini workout. Setting the table or washing dishes? Turn them into calorie-burning tasks. In essence, blending festivity with activity makes holidays both joyful and healthy.

Final Thoughts

Embarking on the festive season while managing diabetes might seem daunting, yet with the right strategies, you can fully partake in joyful holiday meals. Opt for whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to support stable blood sugar levels. Smaller plates can aid in portion control, and slowly eating helps digestion, not to mention that planning and mindfulness are key. Enjoy the holidays, prioritize your health, and celebrate with care. With these tips, you can enjoy holiday feasts confidently and healthfully.

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Bedtime Stories: Creating Diabetic-Friendly Nighttime Routines

Parents looking at their children as they are slowly falling asleep.

Diabetes, a complex metabolic condition, necessitates meticulous care and attention. As we explore the intricate relationship between diabetes and diabetic-friendly nighttime routines, we will uncover their pivotal role in regulating blood sugar levels and overall disease management. We’re here to illuminate the synergy between sound bedtime practices and diabetes care.

Stick To A Routine

Creating a diabetic-friendly nighttime routine demands precision and care. Begin by setting a consistent bedtime. This seemingly simple act can stabilize your body’s internal clock, helping regulate blood sugar levels over time. Equally vital is the winding-down period. This period allows your body to transition from the day’s hustle and bustle to rest. Doing so prepares you for a more refreshing night’s sleep, a key element in diabetes management.

Bedtime snacks should be approached with caution. High-sugar options are diabetes’ nemesis. Instead, opt for low-glycemic snacks such as yogurt or a handful of nuts. This choice can help stabilize blood sugar throughout the night, preventing unwelcome fluctuations. Before the night’s embrace, monitor your blood sugar levels. Regular checks provide valuable insights into your body’s response to daily activities and food choices. Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions to optimize your nighttime routine, keeping your diabetes in check.

A person checking their blood sugar.

Make Good Dietary Choices Throughout The Day

Dietary choices wield immense influence over a diabetic-friendly nighttime routine. The importance of balanced meals throughout the day cannot be overstated. These meals should contain a well-rounded mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to maintain steady blood sugar levels. As bedtime approaches, careful consideration of food choices becomes paramount. Like lurking adversaries, foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates should be avoided. They can trigger rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, disrupting your peaceful night’s rest and long-term diabetes management.

In crafting a diabetic-friendly nighttime routine, your dietary choices are a critical piece of the puzzle. They can ensure that your blood sugar levels remain stable and your nights are restful, contributing to your overall health and diabetes management.

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Staying adequately hydrated ensures that bodily functions, including blood sugar regulation, can occur optimally. Dehydration can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, making it crucial to prioritize fluid intake. When selecting beverages before bedtime, careful consideration is key. Water is an excellent choice, as it won’t impact blood sugar levels. Herbal teas without added sugars or caffeine-free options can also be soothing choices.

However, avoid sugary drinks close to bedtime. They can disrupt sleep and lead to blood sugar spikes. In navigating the waters of hydration and nighttime diabetes management, mindful beverage choices are vital. By maintaining proper hydration, selecting appropriate drinks, and being aware of the potential impact of alcohol, you can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and ensure more peaceful nights in your battle against diabetes.

Avoid Stress

Stress, a silent adversary to diabetes control, often creeps in during the nighttime hours. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation can help calm the mind and reduce stress before bedtime. Managing stress through nighttime routines, especially for individuals dealing with diabetes, demands a holistic approach to stress management.Stressful situations, such as moving, can be mitigated by creating a thorough moving plan and assistance from professional movers.

By reducing stress, you improve your overall well-being and create an environment where stable blood sugar levels can thrive during the night. This approach enhances your sleep quality and reinforces your ability to face the challenges of diabetes with resilience and a peaceful mind.

Monitor and Track Progress

Finally, monitoring and tracking progress are fundamental aspects of effective diabetes management. Begin by incorporating a diabetes journal into your diabetic-friendly nighttime routines. Documenting daily activities, meals, exercise, and blood sugar readings provides valuable insights into patterns and trends, enabling you to make informed decisions. Regular blood sugar monitoring is paramount. It offers real-time data on how your body responds to various factors. Now, you gain a better understanding of the impact of your nighttime routine on your diabetes management.

If you notice consistently high or low blood sugar levels at night, consider modifying your bedtime snacks, exercise timing, or stress management techniques accordingly. Adapting your routine based on your data empowers you to continually fine-tune your diabetes management.

To Conclude 

Diabetic-friendly nighttime routines are more than just rituals. They are potent tools in the battle against diabetes. With consistency, we can lay the foundation for stable blood sugar levels. Winding down paves the way for restful nights, a treasure in the diabetes journey. Relaxation techniques, proper planning, and mindful choices fortify our defenses against stress, a formidable adversary.

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Healthy Alternatives To Help Curb Sugar Cravings

By Jassica Mendez

Sugar is everywhere. In stores, our houses, and, apparently, our heads. The human brain
functions mainly on glucose, and it likes to demand it now and then, even if it doesn’t need it.
You’ve fantasized about a stuffed, creamy chocolate donut in an unreasonable hour? Don’t
worry; we’ve all been there. Let’s go over some healthy alternatives to help you curb sugar

Ginger Is Your New Best Friend

If you’ve ever taken a ginger shot when you had a craving, you know what we’re talking about.
Ginger is one of the most powerful yet underestimated ingredients we have the honor to have.
What could possibly an ugly little piece of white roots do? Well, everything! It has amazing
active components that:

  • Stimulate Thermogenesis 
  • Reduce Cholesterol
  • Regulate Insulin Secretion (and glucose levels as a result)
  • Stimulate The Sympathetic Autonomic System
  • Increase Focus (as a result of a previously listed effect)
  • Help With Detoxing
a tea with ginger

Why Is It So Magical?

Our friendly neighboring ginger can help you in more ways than one. As for sugar cravings, we
recommend that you use them to curb cravings you feel in the morning or during the day. Those
cravings are mostly present because your brain feels like it needs more fuel to burn for the daily
tasks, or you’re stressed out. Whatever the reason behind it, a ginger shot or adding ginger to
your smoothie can make it all go away by regulating insulin and glucose levels.

Also, it will improve your focus, so it’s not a bad idea to make it your regular morning drink. But
wait – there’s more! The stimulation of thermogenesis and sympathetic regulation of the
cardiovascular system can be extremely helpful in any weight loss program, so you might use it
for that too. Also, drinking ginger juice in the morning can be an excellent substitute for sugary
drinks and help you decrease the risk of getting diabetes. If we had to pick one thing from this
list, ginger would definitely be our top pick.

Dark Chocolate Is Best

Many people mention eating chocolate when asked what they eat to satisfy their sweet tooth.
However, if you really must have chocolate, you may satisfy your appetite while still making
healthy food choices by selecting dark chocolate.

Any chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or above is considered dark chocolate. It also has
polyphenols, which are beneficial plant components. There is preliminary evidence that these
polyphenols’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may assist boost cardiovascular health
indicators. Dark chocolate may satisfy a sweet tooth, but like milk chocolate, it’s also high in calories and fat, so moderation is key. You can set a great example for your kids and show them how to replace sugary milk chocolate treats with a darker and healthier solution on time.

Dark chocolate and berries.
A piece of dark chocolate a day keeps the doctor away.

Calm Your Nerves

Dark chocolate is also known to increase levels of serotonin when consumed. It can improve
your mood and help you relax in stressful times. This is the main reason why experts
at advise their clients to take a bit of dark chocolate to curb their cravings
during stressful moves. You can, of course, apply this knowledge to your personal use in any
way you like. 

Chia Seeds Are Next In Line

Seeds from the chia plant, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, and other beneficial plant
elements, are nutritious. To be exact, soluble fiber makes up around 40% of chia seeds. This
fiber can quickly absorb water, expanding to a jelly-like consistency in the digestive tract. This
may help you feel fuller for longer and reduce your sugar urges. Since chia seeds are so
adaptable, you may use this recipe for chia pudding or come up with your sweet treat using chia
seeds. If your child has diabetes, you can use chia to make delicious snacks they can fully enjoy.

Schedule A Date With Dates

In today’s article, we won’t be talking about romance and relationships but about something
rather delicious and healthy. Dates are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, iron, and
beneficial plant components, even after drying. A handful of dates is a healthier alternative to
soda or sweets when you’re craving something sweet.

Consider mixing nuts like almonds if you want a sweet and crunchy snack. But remember that
dates are still quite sweet, so eat just a handful at a time.

What About Prunes?

Next in line with our healthy alternatives are dried plums (called prunes among their friends). They’re
highly delicious and nutritious, much like dates. They’re a better choice than sweets when you’re
craving something sweet.

And that’s not the only thing these can help you with! Constipation may be alleviated because of
their high level of fiber and containing natural sorbitol. Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol found in nature,
has a pleasant flavor, and your body absorbs it slowly. That’s why it is used on its own as a
sweetener too. You can use sorbitol to sweeten your homemade cookies without glucose, and
they’ll still turn out great!

Jars with dried fruit.
Keep a jar with prunes in your kitchen, and you’ll always have a healthy alternative to help you curb sugar cravings.

Final Thoughts

We shared our top picks with you, but there are many more healthy alternatives to help you curb
sugar cravings! Among others, you can consider yogurt, berries, and legumes. Another critical
thing to note is – to make sure to check the labels and ingredients on everything you buy. Sugar
may be hiding in unexpected places. You might think you’re not taking it when there is quite a
lot. The more you take it, the more you’ll crave it. So, try these healthy alternatives and lead your
life in a healthier direction, not ruled by sugar addiction. We root for you!

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6 Habits That Increase The Risk Of Diabetes

Be aware and try to avoid these 6 habits that increase the risk of diabetes.

Let’s face it; it can be hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you’re surrounded by temptation. And there’s something to satisfy every taste: sweets, salty snacks, fast food, etc. Plus, they are everywhere. You see them at the supermarket, at the pastry shop near your office, in the hands of the person sitting next to you on the bus, and so on. Of course, nobody is forbidding you from indulging every once in a while. However, please don’t fall into the trap of making a habit out of it. And it’s not just because this can cause obesity, but it can also cause diabetes and many other health issues. So, it’s time to renew your vow to stay healthy and try to avoid these 6 habits that increase the risk of diabetes.

No. 1 Skipping Breakfast

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately, when you’re in a rush to prepare your kids’ lunch boxes, get them to school and get yourself to work in the mornings, you usually end up skipping breakfast. But no matter how hard it is, you should make time for this

When you skip breakfast, you are much more tempted to eat fatty foods or overeat at lunch. On the one hand, this can cause weight gain. On the other hand, it causes an imbalance in your blood sugar and insulin levels. This, in turn, can result in diabetes.

Recent studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast can reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%. So, don’t underestimate its importance. If you have no other option, at least make a healthy smoothie and drink it at the office. However, it is highly recommended to take the time and eat right. Consider eggs, fruit, and whole-grain for a rich breakfast.

A healthy breakfast consisting of whole-grain and fresh fruit.
Skipping breakfast is one of the top 6 habits that increase the risk of diabetes.

No. 2 Making Unhealthy Food Choices

We all know the theory that an unhealthy diet causes a lot of health issues. But unfortunately, many people still ignore this warning. You should know that research shows that eating highly processed foods can increase the risk of diabetes by up to 15%. And the same goes for refined carbs. All of these products are easily absorbed by your body, so you feel hungry sooner. Thus, you end up often snacking, which causes weight gain. This, in turn, can lead to insulin resistance and an increase in your blood sugar levels.

Therefore, having a healthy diet is essential in preventing diabetes and other health issues. So, focus on non-starchy vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, broccoli), whole grains (oats and brown rice), and fruit (cranberries, blueberries, strawberries). Apart from including these ingredients in your main courses, you should also include them in your snacks. Some great healthy snack ideas are out there, such as homemade protein bars or chia seed pudding.

A tomato and spinach salad.
To prevent diabetes, opt for a healthy diet that includes non-starchy vegetables such as spinach and tomatoes.

No. 3 Drinking Too Many Sugary Drinks

Studies have shown that sugary drinks are one of the leading causes of obesity in America. Moreover, they can increase the chance of diabetes by 26%. And the reason for this is that they contain empty calories that have absolutely no nutritious value. So, when you are thirsty, you should stay clear of them. Instead, opt for water. And if you still long for juice, go for fresh fruit juice or unsweetened ice tea.

A person holding a glass of water.
Sugary drinks can cause obesity and diabetes, so drink water instead.

No. 4 Going To Bed Late

The side effects are just as harmful whether you’re losing your nights partying or working. And don’t be fooled into thinking that those 8 hours of sleep during the day compensate for the night. How long you sleep is just as important as when you go to bed. Research shows that this bad habit causes an imbalance in your blood sugar levels and low insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, poor sleep also disrupts your metabolism and affects your body’s production and use of insulin. A good piece of advice is to stay away from screens for at least one hour before going to bed and read a book instead.

No. 5 Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a significant concern. The main problem is that you tend to overeat when you’re feeling depressed. And it’s not just that, but you also tend to crave unhealthy food. All of this leads to weight gain and disrupts your blood sugar levels. Of course, everyone goes through rough times; you can’t avoid that. However, you should rely on your family and friends to get you through those rough patches to prevent emotional eating.

However, emotional eating is not only liked to depression but also stress. And the problem goes even further than that. When you’re stressed, your body releases more cortisol, which increases glucose production, leading to high blood sugar levels. 

So, to decrease the risk of diabetes, the advisors at recommend avoiding stressful activities as much as possible. One option here would be to delegate. For example, to avoid a stressful move, hire some professionals to help you. Or ask your colleagues at work to help you with the workload.

No. 6 Being Inactive

One of the top 6 habits that increase the risk of diabetes is being inactive. Sitting all day at the office, then in your car, and finally in front of the TV at home is extremely unhealthy. Apart from causing weight gain and diabetes, it can even cause heart disorders and mental health issues. So, you shouldn’t take this lightly. Try to make time for a bit of exercise. For example, the American Diabetes Association advises everyone to walk or exercise for at least half an hour every day. You can do this even if you’re stuck at the office. Take short breaks to move around and do a bit of stretching.

A Piece Of Advice

Avoiding these bad habits will decrease the risk of diabetes but won’t eliminate it. So, besides having a healthy lifestyle, you should also get tested regularly. Furthermore, look out for the early signs of diabetes. These include fatigue, increased hunger, extreme thirst, blurred vision, and mood swings. So, make sure you contact your doctor if you have any concerns.


An unhealthy lifestyle can cause many health issues. And two of the most common issues Americans currently face are weight gain and diabetes. This is not at all surprising when you bump into delicious unhealthy treats at every corner. However, you should do your best to avoid them as much as possible. Plus, there are other contributing factors as

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Snack Ideas for Kids with Diabetes

snack ideas for kids with diabetes

Controlling diabetes is impossible without a good meal plan. Since the main issue of this illness is the inability to transfer fuel into energy, you need to find ways to provide enough fuel to keep your organism going and keep sugar levels as normal as possible. In such cases, portion control is crucial for optimum functioning and preventing hyperglycemia. Ideally, kids with diabetes should have three meals a day, with 2-3 snacks in between. Keeping the meals moderate and adding small snacks every couple of hours will help you get it under control. Having 10 -15 grams of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and proteins can help you achieve that goal. Luckily, there are many snack ideas for kids with diabetes that will make their strict dietary regimen fun and tasty!

The healthiest snacks for diabetes are the simplest ones

The main purpose of any snack is to be able to consume it on the go. In addition, it needs to provide a necessary kick start to your system between main meals and get sugar levels under control. You don’t need to spend hours preparing them in the kitchen or worry about serving them hot and cold. However, you need to make sure the snacks have quality ingredients with a low glycemic index and some protein value. Naturally, they need to be low in sugar and, if possible, have some healthy fats. The best type of snack is a combination of:

  •  Vegetables: lettuce, spinach, eggplant, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, etc.
  • Fruits: cherry, plum, peach, pear, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, apples, and most berries.
  • Lean meats: lamb, veal, pork, poultry without the skin, fish, or most processed meats with less than a gram of fat per ounce.
  • Nuts: peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews.
  • Yogurts and cheeses: Greek yogurt, Icelandic yogurt, non-salty cheese in mindful portions.
diverse snacks for people with diabetes
People with diabetes can consume most of the food as long as they’re being rational with portioning.

How to make healthy snacks fun?

Remember when you were a kid, and your parents made you eat healthy vegetables? It wasn’t much fun, was it? Your children probably share the same opinion. Therefore, you’ll need to get creative in motivating them to eat the right kinds of snacks. Some of the things you can do are:

  1. Dip the fruit bits in dark chocolate – every kid loves chocolate, even if it has low sugar content.
  2. Be creative with the vegetable mix – arranging them in a fun way or making the food colorful might be appealing to your kid.
  3. Make perfect bites – combine different healthy snacks in tiny arrangements.
  4. Ask your kids about their favorite ingredients – mix them up with less preferred eats to achieve a good balance and make it easy on your kid.

Another great way to interest your kid in snacks is to prepare them together! Every child loves projects, and their mind is bursting with creativity and smart ideas. Thus, give your little one a chance to prepare the food independently. All you need to do is observe or equally participate, providing occasional guidance when mixing ingredients. This is an excellent way of helping kids engage with food. In addition, learning how to make simple snacks and meals will teach them independence early.

a mother and children trying healthy snacks for kids with diabetes
There is nothing more important for your child than spending quality moments with the family.

Avoid forcing them to eat food they dislike

Stress is the main trigger for diabetes in kids. Being exposed to traumatic events or changes in the environment, like relocation to another home, can significantly impact your child’s health, triggering or causing diabetes. Thus, you need to help them adapt after the move and give them time to process all the changes. It might be challenging to inspire your child to eat fully healthy food at first, but today there are many tasty diabetes-friendly products that your kids will love.

Some of the favorite snack ideas for kids with diabetes

Yogurt with berries and nuts

One of the quickest and most delicious mixes there is. Simply mix an Icelandic or Greek yogurt with a handful of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or any type of berries your kid prefers. Add some chopped nuts, stir it up, and you’ll have the perfect healthy snack that you can also use instead of breakfast or a dessert.

The combination of active probiotic cultures from yogurt and proteins from berries and nuts will be great for your kid’s digestion. Moreover, it will provide enough energy to keep the right glucose levels in the system.

Chia seed pudding

Chia seeds do wonders for the metabolism because they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, and fibers. If used often, they can also serve as a powerful antioxidant. That being said, introducing chia seeds into your kid’s diet will bring many benefits.

Mix half a cup of chia seeds, 1/3 of a cup of cocoa powder, and a pinch of sea salt. Afterward, add one and a half cups of almond milk and stir it well until all the ingredients are blended. Leave it in the fridge for a few hours, or preferably overnight.

Homemade protein bars

Making your energy-rich sweets is very easy! And all you need is some chopped peanuts, half a cup of coconut flour, 1/4 of a low-carb vanilla protein powder, a teaspoon of Stevia, a cup of natural peanut butter, and 1/4 cup of sugar-free syrup. First, merge peanut butter with syrup and heat it for 2 minutes in the microwave, mixing until it evenly blends. After, add the dry ingredients – coconut flour, Stevia, and protein.

If the dough becomes too thick, add more syrup. However, if the mix is too wet, fix it with more coconut flour. When you achieve an optimum blend, press the batter onto the pan. Lastly, sprinkle it with chopped peanuts, and refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving. 

a gluten-free cookie and milk
No child will resist a good cookie! With diabetes-friendly sweets, you just need to be more creative with the ingredients.

Naturally, if you prefer trying out some old-school sugar-free cookie recipes instead, you certainly won’t disappoint your kid. 


These snack ideas for kids with diabetes can help you control the illness and make it easier for your kids. However, even though the dietary regime is consistent for diabetes, not everyone will have the same benefits. To be safe, consider your dietitian’s recommendation and approval of certain ingredients because there is more than one factor to consider when finding out what works best.

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Moving Day with Diabetes

A set of hands measuring their blood sugar levels.
Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

Dealing with a chronic illness such as diabetes can be strenuous. On top of that, significant life changes inevitably cause some degree of stress. So, without careful consideration and planning, your moving day with diabetes could cause your symptoms to flare up. Luckily, there are ways to simplify your life and the big moving day. So, if you want to ensure a smooth move, stay tuned for our tips on moving when chronically ill.

Essential tips for your moving day with diabetes

Changing houses puts a massive strain on people and can intervene with their diabetes management. This especially holds today, as many people have to move due to the pandemic and shutdowns.

Luckily, people can relocate successfully with diabetes. Above all, the change can be a pleasant surprise too. So, if you are moving to your larger dream home, there are things you’ll need to take care of to ensure a smooth moving day.

For instance, you should have an emergency medical kit by you at all times carefully plan when and what you will eat on a moving day. People who have diabetes must create a meal plan for events like this. Even though food doesn’t sound like something that should be on top of someone’s list on a moving day, some medication requires taking it before or after a meal.

Therefore, to avoid feeling unwell during a day that is bound to be tiresome, here are the tips to follow when moving with diabetes.

Make a plan ahead and stick to it

Planning is the number one piece of advice for everyone moving homes, especially those living with chronic illnesses. For example, if your diabetes makes you feel unwell after an active and tiresome day, you should ensure you have enough time for all the await tasks. With that said, you should ensure you undertake the tasks reasonably and in small chunks of time instead of cramming everything in a single weekend.

The same goes for the actual moving day: many chronic illnesses organize their lives around their medical problem. Therefore, you should listen to your body, be aware of your limits, and don’t let other people’s methods and expectations get in the way.

Make all the necessary arrangements

The physical and mental effort required to move home shouldn’t be underestimated. In terms of the physical effort, you should be aware of the heavy lifting involved. So, if you are dealing with an illness that causes discomfort, you should consider hiring a full-service moving company that can do these things instead of you.

This way, you will minimize the labor you need to do. Also, you will ensure having peace of mind and simplify your move.

Moving supplies are crucial

If you’ve been dealing with diabetes for some years now, you must have a lot of diabetes-related items accumulated. So, make sure you pack a separate box with your supplementary medicine and diabetic equipment.

Moving supplies (a box. duct tape, and scissors) on a wooden table.
A box with a different colored duct tape designated for your illness-related supplies will make the moving day with diabetes easier.

Alt tag: Moving supplies (a box. duct tape, and scissors) on a wooden table.

Get organized and line up your care

The general rush of moving can easily cause you to forget to get your refills and check expiration dates. So, when the moving time comes, it’s vital to write things down to control your diabetes better. Keeping your to-do lists, schedules, and those kinds of things in a binder you always keep near will be lifesaving.

An organized container full of medicine for the moving day with diabetes.
All major changes can lead to forgetting the usual stuff, such as refilling your medicine.

Additionally, having a relocation-related binder with all the dates, tasks, and bills will help keep up with everything.

Another thing you shouldn’t forget is to change your healthcare provider once you move. Or even make the arrangements beforehand. For example, if you are moving to another state, you might need another insurance plan, pharmacy, and support services. So make sure you include what you will need before your move to make it easier for yourself once you are there.

Don’t hesitate to ask friends and family for help

Preparing for your moving day with diabetes is the perfect time to ask your family and friends for help. They can help you clean the place, clear out your closet, or pack the boxes. In addition, you can all use this time to say your goodbyes if you are moving somewhere further away.

Unfortunately, not everyone has friends or family to turn to. So it’s good to be aware that professionals can assist you with physical tasks. Also, your local council or community may be able to provide some support.

Have an emergency kit

Doctors recommend always keeping your meds nearby, as well as some emergency kit. Even though you might not take packing and moving boxes as an exercise, it’s simply not a thing your body is used to doing. Therefore, those activities can easily lead to your blood sugar plummeting.

A hand holding a can of diet coke in front of a green door.
It never hurts having a diet coke on hand when moving houses.

Simplify elsewhere to manage stress

Apart from all the logistics, the most challenging part when managing a relocation is stress. So, since you have some unavoidable projects on your plate, you can try and simplify the rest of your life. Logically, it all starts with doing things beforehand and being organized.

By staying organized and arranging everything in advance, you can pay attention to some of the following:

  • pare down your social engagements;
  • avoid unnecessary school involvements;
  • put your finances on prepay;
  • get enough sleep;
  • give yourself some time to relax and say goodbye to your previous home;
  • keep up with your usual routine as much as possible. 

Final words

No doubt, dealing with a chronic illness can make your day-to-day tasks a bit more challenging. Hopefully, our tips for your moving day with diabetes will lead to fewer flares and help you stay on top of your health game. So, make sure you refer to our article to focus your energies in the right places.

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How to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Healthy

Healthy food displayed on a table

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

One of the biggest challenges for parents is making sure their kids have a healthy diet. And it’s becoming increasingly difficult with all the junk food advertising bombarding us. Not to mention the hectic lifestyle many parents have nowadays that can affect kids’ diets. Lack of time and stress make it easier to order takeout than to plan a meal. However, all is not lost. There are ways to encourage your kids to eat healthy that you might not know. Therefore, we dedicated this article to eating healthy and making kids embrace healthy foods. Continue reading to see how easy it can be to improve your children’s nutrition with a few simple changes.

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet means that your children will benefit from all the nutrients they need for growth. It will aid in their development, keep them healthy, and improve the quality of their sleep. And the sooner you can incorporate healthy foods into your children’s diet, the sooner you will be able to see the results. Your children will develop a healthy relationship with food and can even begin to appreciate and prefer it, especially if the food is prepared at home and shared with the entire family during meals.

But what exactly should a healthy diet contain?

Here is a list of types of food that you should incorporate into your child’s diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables – the aim is to have five portions a day.
  • Dairy or dairy substitutes – they should consume them every day.
  • Meat or fish – you can also include it in the daily menu.
  • Legumes – beans or lentils, for example, can also be included in the daily menu.
  • Rice, pasta, or potatoes – you should create the main meals based on these ingredients.
Person showing some vegetables.
It is up to you to choose the best healthy foods for your children, especially if they have dietary allergies or intolerance.

How to incorporate good foods into your child’s diet?

1.   Talk Openly With Your Kids About Healthy Eating

The easiest way to encourage your kids to eat healthy is to make them interested in healthy food. The first step would be to talk to them openly about healthy eating. Explain to them why some foods are good and why others are not. Also, be patient, let them ask all the questions, and answer sincerely. You will notice that if you’re honest and upfront, they’ll start initiating conversations. And when they do, the path is open. They’ll soon begin to question if one food or another is good for them and if they should eat it.

2.   Get Your Kids Involved In Preparing Meals

When your kids get involved in family tasks, they feel important and appreciated. One of those tasks can be preparing a meal for the whole family, or preparing their plate as they wish. Just give them the ingredients and let them choose how they will arrange them on the plate. Also, you can prepare a yummy and healthy dessert together. You can make some sugar-free cookies, for example, that the entire family will enjoy. Talk to your kids about the ingredients and why you’re using them while you’re cooking. In addition, find age-appropriate tasks that they can do. Measuring the ingredients, mixing them, or shaping the cookies, are good examples. These are also great ways to teach kids how they can play with food in a good way.

Mother encouraging her child to eat healthier by preparing a healthy dessert together.
Encourage your kids to eat healthy by getting them involved in the preparation of different meals.

3. Introduce New Foods Gradually

If you wish to change your children’s eating habits, you won’t be able to do it overnight. One of the first rules for encouraging your kids to eat healthy is to use moderation. Don’t force new foods on your kids constantly, and don’t expect them to embrace them immediately. Instead, try to add one new ingredient once a week, for instance, by adding it to something they like. It will be easier for children to accept it if you put it alongside something they already love eating. If your kids like pasta, you can make them some healthy pasta primavera. Add some of the ingredients they already like, but also add one new one. After they eat, point out that they have eaten that ingredient and ask for their opinion of it. If they like it, you can add a new one the next time you prepare it.

4.   Stock Up On Healthy Foods

One of the reasons kids tend to have bad eating habits is diversity. Don’t get us wrong; food variety is good, but not when it comes to picking bad foods over healthy ones. So, when it comes to making a decision, make sure your children have a choice between two good products. Cut down on junk food and stock up on healthy foods. Have fruit available all the time and plenty of healthy snacks. This will make it easier for you to control your children’s diet, even in non-typical situations like a move. Because relocations can be a bit frustrating, your eating habits can suffer during this process. However, if you plan ahead, you can find the best solution for the moving day meals. And if you only have healthy goods on hand, you will ensure that your family will stay healthy. So take your time and try to plan each meal before, during, and after the relocation. It might be a bit time-consuming, but as we all know, health comes first.

Jars containing various combinations of nutritious foods.
If you are relocating to a new home, you can prepare breakfast for the moving day in advance.

5.   Lead By Example

Kids will always look up to their parents. And if they see a food habit repeated, they will adopt it. So to encourage your kids to eat healthy, be careful what message your eating habits are sending. If kids constantly see you eating chocolate or chips, don’t expect them to accept eating their vegetables. But if they see you eating fruits and vegetables all the time, they will want to do the same. Also, teach your children to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. You can do this by serving smaller portions on their plates and not forcing them to eat all the food if they don’t want to. Never encourage overeating and try to set a good example once more.

6.   Highlight The Importance Of Breakfast

Kids that have a healthy breakfast are usually in a better mood, have improved memory, and have lots of energy. Therefore, educate your kids about the importance of a healthy breakfast by making it fun. Offer them healthy food accompanied by a low-sugar treat. For example, you can make some hard-boiled eggs and pair them with their favorite cereal and an apple. Or, you can make breakfast burritos with scrambled eggs and cheese and add leftover oatmeal muffins as a snack. They will be more open to accepting healthy food if there is a treat waiting at the end.

In Conclusion

Knowing how to encourage your kids to eat healthy may seem more complicated than it is. You just need to be patient and, from time to time, accept small defeats. Instead of initiating stressful food battles, you need to realize that what your kids eat over time is more important than having a snack once in a while. After all, eating some popcorn during a movie or enjoying some chocolate now and then are everyone’s small pleasures in life. So don’t be too hard on yourself or your kids, as long as you manage to balance these minor escapades with a healthy diet.

Meta Description: If you want to know how to encourage your kids to eat healthy, make sure to read our article on the subject and use the solutions we found.

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5 Simple Sugar-Free Cookie Recipes

try out these delicious and healthy sugar-free cookie recipes

by Jassica Mendez

If you’re looking for some healthy yet delicious cookie recipes, you’ve come to the right place! Cookies are an all-time favorite food for many people. After all, we all need a bit of extra energy or a comforting snack from time to time. These tasty treats come in a lot of flavors and variations. Not to mention that making them doesn’t require a lot of time and effort. But what about health and fitness? Classic cookie recipes often contain a lot of calories and ingredients that are not beneficial to your overall health. And the first such ingredient that comes to mind is sugar. Luckily, they can be as tasty without it. Here are some excellent sugar-free cookie recipes!

Is white sugar really bad for health?

A short and simple answer is yes. While it adds that sweet, delicious taste we all love, more and more studies show that it is very detrimental to our health. Opinions range widely – from calling it the ‘white poison’ to thinking a moderate use is okay. However, its consumption is certainly linked to many health conditions. Apart from negatively affecting our immune system, it is also connected to obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

Luckily, cookies can be as delicious without sugar. So, without further ado, here are five delightful sugar-free cookie recipes!

sugar-free cookies are both healthy and tasty
Luckily, there are many alternative sweeteners you can use instead of sugar.

Pistachio Shortbread

If you’re looking to renew your vow to be healthy, this lovely dessert is a great choice. These keto, low-carb cookies are perfect when you’re craving something sweet and healthy!

  • Ingredients:
  • 3/4 cup almond flour
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • 1/4 cup and 3tbsp. oat fiber
  • 5 tbsp. granulated sweetener
  • 5 tbsp. chopped roasted salted pistachios
  • 1/4 tsp. gum thickener
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 large egg
  • 1tsp. vanilla extract


First, in a small bowl, sift all the dry ingredients together. Then, mix the melted butter, half of the dry ingredients, and vanilla in a large bowl with an electric mixer. Mix in the egg, then the other half of the dry ingredients, and fold in pistachios. Roll the dough into a 5″ long and 2″ wide tube.

The dough needs to spend about 30 minutes in the freezer, so roll it up into the parchment paper and leave it there. Once it’s out, put it on a cutting board and cut it into 1/3″ rounds. Bake them in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes. Leave them to cool a bit (for at least 20 minutes), and they’re ready for tasting!

Sugar-free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy a bite of chocolate now and then? If that’s the case with you, this is one of the best sugar-free cookie recipes for you.

  • Ingredients:
  • 4 tbsp. butter
  • 3 tbsp. grounded flaxmeal
  • 1 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 cup powdered sweetener
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 1/2 cup sugar-free chocolate chips
  • 1/2 tbsp. baking soda
  • a pinch of salt


Preheat your oven and line a baking tray with baking paper. If you’re using granulated sweetener, mix it in a blender until it’s powdered. Then, combine butter and sweetener in a large bowl. Add other ingredients – flour, flax, water, and baking soda. Stir them together until you get even dough. Lastly, fold in chocolate chips, so they’re evenly distributed throughout.

Form the dough into cookies and place them into the baking tray. Bake them in the preheated oven (325F) for about 15-20 minutes, depending on how you like them. Leave them to cool for about 10 minutes, and Voila! Your delicious chocolate chip cookies are ready!

chocolate chip cookies are a delicious classic
Chocolate chip cookies are one of the best sugar-free cookie recipes -they’re both delicious and healthy

Keto Breakfast Cookies

If you need some fresh breakfast ideas, this keto sugar-free cookie recipe is an ideal solution.

  • Ingredients:
  • 2 tbsp. coconut flour
  • 1 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 2/3 cup granulated sweetener
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup shelled hemp seeds
  • 1tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. baking powder


Flatten them with your fingers and place them into the baking tray. After that, bake them in the oven until the bottom turns golden brown (for about 13 minutes). Finally, let them cool down completely and enjoy your delicious breakfast!

Almond Crescent Cookies

If you’re looking for an all-around delicious and healthy cookie recipe, you should try almond crescent cookies. Not only are they sugar-free and delicious, but they also contain one of the high-fiber foods – almonds! High-fiber foods such as nuts, berries, and apples will work wonders for your digestive tract. Plus, they can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. So, if you want to eat more fiber, you can start with making these cookies!

berries and nuts are very healthy
You can use fiber-high foods in many recipes – including cookies!

Caption: You can use fiber-high foods in many recipes – including cookies!

Alt.tag: berries and nuts are very healthy

  • Ingredients:
  • 3 3/4 almond flour
  • 1/2 coconut flour
  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 1 1/4 cup granulated sweetener
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp almond extract
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • powdered sweetener for coating
  • sliced almonds for coating (about one cup)


Beat butter, salt, and sweetener in a bowl until it all blends nicely. Then add extracts and beat them well. After that, add all the other ingredients and blend them all thoroughly. Form the logs about 3″ long and roll them in the sliced almonds. Shape the logs into crescents and bake them for about 10-15 minutes in a preheated oven (350F). When they cool down, sprinkle them with powdered sweetener and enjoy these tasty high-fiber cookies!

Oatmeal Sugar-Free Cookies

If you enjoy oatmeal breakfast, these cookies are a perfect variation for you. Apart from the fact they’re delicious, they’re also diabetes-friendly and easy to make.

  • Ingredients:
  • 4 oz unsalted softened butter
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup sweetener
  • 2 tbsp. oat fiber
  • 2 tsp. beef gelatin
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 1/2 cup sliced almonds
  • 3/4 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda


Firstly, cream the butter, sweetener, and vanilla extract. Then, add all the other ingredients and beat them well together. Add an egg into it and combine it all well. After that, fold in sliced almonds and shape the dough into cookies. Bake them in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Finally, let them cool completely, and they’re ready for tasting!

Combine healthy and tasty and try out these wonderful cookie recipes.

I hope you’ll enjoy these sugar-free cookie recipes. Not only are they delicious and indulgent, but also healthy and diabetes-friendly. Since they’re all sugar-free and low on carbs, they’re a great choice whether you want to improve your diet or enjoy the taste. These lovely recipes will deliver all the taste while at the same time leaving your health intact!

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Leftover Oatmeal Muffins

oatmeal muffins

Oatmeal On Mondays

We often have leftover oatmeal and I kept wondering what to do with it. See, my family and I took the pledge to do Meatless Mondays. We are challenging ourselves to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat.

To keep us on track, I make oatmeal for breakfast every Monday. This tradition began because I couldn’t think of any other breakfast that didn’t include eggs. However, after tense debate, eggs are not considered meat in our household anymore.

Although everyone loves oatmeal, we often end up with at least a cup leftovers. I felt bad about throwing it in the trash, so I decided to reuse it and make what our family calls leftover oatmeal muffins. We eat them for breakfast or in lieu of cornbread at dinner.

1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup left over oatmeal
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup melted butter


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl. You can use a blender but my oatmeal usually has raisins in it and I like to keep them whole so I mix by hand.

Spray a muffin pan and spoon in batter by the tablespoon. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until muffins bounce back when you touch them. It makes one batch in a 12 muffin pan. I have replaced half the brown sugar and butter with a 1/2 cup of applesauce or a banana and that adds moisture and more fruit.