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How To Talk To Your Child About Diabetes

Glucose meter surrounded by sweets on a blue surface

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

If your child has been diagnosed with diabetes at such a tender age, we understand it can be frightening. Even though it can be hard to explain that they have a life-long condition, there are ways you can help them feel more confident and understand the issue better. Having this condition doesn’t mean kids can’t be kids. On the contrary, your kid’s confidence, good health, and understanding start with having an open and positive conversation. For instance, there are numerous sugar-free cookie recipes and delicious treats, so don’t think they’ll miss all the fun. The article below shares some things to keep in mind if you wish to talk to your child about diabetes and make their diagnosis feel manageable.

What to keep in mind if you want to talk to your child about diabetes

All changes we experience throughout our lives can be overwhelming and even shocking. Each change our family faces should be taken under great thought and honest conversation. Parenting a child diagnosed with diabetes isn’t easy, especially if you’re trying to manage other family obligations like preparing for a long-distance move or home renovations. That’s why it’s crucial to have a plan in place to guide you. This way, you’ll make sure you’re all ready for the moving day, and your child will know what to expect along the way, especially when it comes to their medication and nutrition.

Above all, you will have to find a way to explain they will need to follow a particular meal plan, monitor their glucose levels, and take insulin shots. Their condition is here to stay, so you will all need to make changes to your lives be empathetic and patient until it becomes a routine. This is why you need to learn about their condition so you’ll be able to explain it to them. Here’s some advice to help you have an effective conversation.

Remain honest

First and foremost, it’s crucial to always tell the truth to your child. Then, if they start asking questions, be sure you give them answers, even the unpleasant ones. Getting all of your questions answered helps everyone feel more in control and learn more about the condition itself.

Another common situation is that kids feel they’ve done something wrong and got this diagnosis. For that reason, we as parents must make it clear this isn’t the case.

Finally, you need to make sure they know their diabetes isn’t going away and that you will all need to learn how to live your best lives with keeping it manageable. At this point, your child might feel upset and sad. This is where it’s important to welcome these emotions and tell them it’s okay they think this way. Encourage them to talk about it openly and share any doubts or frustrations they might have.

Stay positive

How we handle certain situations reflects on our kids, especially if they’re young. This is why we need to make sure we sent the right message:

Their diabetes is here to stay. You will need to learn the ways to manage it. Luckily, together you can get it under control.

When you discuss your child’s condition, it’s vital to be supportive and make these open conversations a part of your everyday life. Regular talk is what normalizes the situation. You will help your kid understand that it’s possible to keep their condition under control with proper management, mindful care, and live a normal life.

A positive father laughing with his daughter, which is crucial if you want to talk to your child about diabetes
It’s essential to remain positive when you want to talk to your child about diabetes.

Here are some ways you can encourage your young child with diabetes.

  • Praise them each time they pick out a healthy snack.
  • Praise them when they finish their dinner. 
  • Compliment them each time they take on some self-care responsibilities.

Our kids look to us for guidance, so how we deal with their condition affects how they feel and act. For example, if we overreact and get angry about their high sugar levels, our children can be less honest about their sugar readings in the future.

Be informed

Another vital thing is to stay on top of the latest diabetes care information and pass it on to your child. You can use this opportunity to make this a fun learning experience for both you and your child and not feel pressured to become an expert in the field right away.

Be excited to find out some types of sweets will still be on the menu, that they still can play, exercise, and have fun like their friends, but that insulin is a necessity. 

A glucose meter, a blue ribbon, and dice saying diabetes.
Making diabetes less scary and a fun learning process can help minimize the fear your child might feel.

Be supportive

Finally, being diagnosed with diabetes can be confusing and stressful. This is why it’s essential to educate the whole family about the matter and involve everyone in your child’s journey

If you have other children who don’t have this diagnosis, it would be good to discuss why keeping a healthy lifestyle is essential to everyone, not just those with diabetes. Try to include each family member in meal and activity plans so your kid with a diagnosis doesn’t feel left out or special in a negative sense.

Having involved family members is a crucial part of managing diabetes throughout childhood.

Age-appropriate conversations about diabetes

Finally, here are some tips on how to talk to your child about diabetes according to their age.

  1. Infants and toddlers don’t understand why they need to have their fingers poked. Making this a daily routine will help, like diaper changes or naps. In addition, it would help perform diabetes care gently and quickly and be soothing and reassuring afterward.
  2. Preschool kids will also rely on their parents for diabetes care. However, you can explain the care-related obligations in simple terms, so they know what’s happening. It could also help to give them some sense of control by, for example, asking them which finger they want to use for the glucose test. 
  3. Kids in school should learn how to take on some of their diabetes care but with parental guidance. It’s vital to remain supportive and not push your child, but allow them to take on new responsibilities gradually. It’s also this age when they might start feeling sensitive about being different from their peers. It would help if you understood these temporary setbacks and avoided being overprotective. You could also emphasize that once they take responsibility for their diabetes care, it will be easier to attend different parties and have sleepovers.
  4. Teenagers are the ones that could make poor decisions about their diabetes care due to peer pressure. This is when you should talk about drugs, sexuality, alcohol, and how this can affect their condition. Just keep in mind there’s a fine line between lecturing and offering support. This is why it would help if you approached your child in a caring manner
A mother and daughter taking a walk and talking about diabetes
When wanting to discuss diabetes with your kid, it’s essential to keep their age in mind.

Final thoughts on how to talk to your child about diabetes

Finally, when you are preparing to talk to your child about diabetes, it could help if you found a support group to help you connect with other parents and kids in the same condition. Talking to your kids about their condition can be difficult at any age. However, keeping the communication honest and open is the key. The more you speak to them about it, the more prepared they’ll be for taking care of their diabetes when you’re apart. 

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How to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Healthy

Healthy food displayed on a table

Guest post by Jassica Mendez

One of the biggest challenges for parents is making sure their kids have a healthy diet. And it’s becoming increasingly difficult with all the junk food advertising bombarding us. Not to mention the hectic lifestyle many parents have nowadays that can affect kids’ diets. Lack of time and stress make it easier to order takeout than to plan a meal. However, all is not lost. There are ways to encourage your kids to eat healthy that you might not know. Therefore, we dedicated this article to eating healthy and making kids embrace healthy foods. Continue reading to see how easy it can be to improve your children’s nutrition with a few simple changes.

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet means that your children will benefit from all the nutrients they need for growth. It will aid in their development, keep them healthy, and improve the quality of their sleep. And the sooner you can incorporate healthy foods into your children’s diet, the sooner you will be able to see the results. Your children will develop a healthy relationship with food and can even begin to appreciate and prefer it, especially if the food is prepared at home and shared with the entire family during meals.

But what exactly should a healthy diet contain?

Here is a list of types of food that you should incorporate into your child’s diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables – the aim is to have five portions a day.
  • Dairy or dairy substitutes – they should consume them every day.
  • Meat or fish – you can also include it in the daily menu.
  • Legumes – beans or lentils, for example, can also be included in the daily menu.
  • Rice, pasta, or potatoes – you should create the main meals based on these ingredients.
Person showing some vegetables.
It is up to you to choose the best healthy foods for your children, especially if they have dietary allergies or intolerance.

How to incorporate good foods into your child’s diet?

1.   Talk Openly With Your Kids About Healthy Eating

The easiest way to encourage your kids to eat healthy is to make them interested in healthy food. The first step would be to talk to them openly about healthy eating. Explain to them why some foods are good and why others are not. Also, be patient, let them ask all the questions, and answer sincerely. You will notice that if you’re honest and upfront, they’ll start initiating conversations. And when they do, the path is open. They’ll soon begin to question if one food or another is good for them and if they should eat it.

2.   Get Your Kids Involved In Preparing Meals

When your kids get involved in family tasks, they feel important and appreciated. One of those tasks can be preparing a meal for the whole family, or preparing their plate as they wish. Just give them the ingredients and let them choose how they will arrange them on the plate. Also, you can prepare a yummy and healthy dessert together. You can make some sugar-free cookies, for example, that the entire family will enjoy. Talk to your kids about the ingredients and why you’re using them while you’re cooking. In addition, find age-appropriate tasks that they can do. Measuring the ingredients, mixing them, or shaping the cookies, are good examples. These are also great ways to teach kids how they can play with food in a good way.

Mother encouraging her child to eat healthier by preparing a healthy dessert together.
Encourage your kids to eat healthy by getting them involved in the preparation of different meals.

3. Introduce New Foods Gradually

If you wish to change your children’s eating habits, you won’t be able to do it overnight. One of the first rules for encouraging your kids to eat healthy is to use moderation. Don’t force new foods on your kids constantly, and don’t expect them to embrace them immediately. Instead, try to add one new ingredient once a week, for instance, by adding it to something they like. It will be easier for children to accept it if you put it alongside something they already love eating. If your kids like pasta, you can make them some healthy pasta primavera. Add some of the ingredients they already like, but also add one new one. After they eat, point out that they have eaten that ingredient and ask for their opinion of it. If they like it, you can add a new one the next time you prepare it.

4.   Stock Up On Healthy Foods

One of the reasons kids tend to have bad eating habits is diversity. Don’t get us wrong; food variety is good, but not when it comes to picking bad foods over healthy ones. So, when it comes to making a decision, make sure your children have a choice between two good products. Cut down on junk food and stock up on healthy foods. Have fruit available all the time and plenty of healthy snacks. This will make it easier for you to control your children’s diet, even in non-typical situations like a move. Because relocations can be a bit frustrating, your eating habits can suffer during this process. However, if you plan ahead, you can find the best solution for the moving day meals. And if you only have healthy goods on hand, you will ensure that your family will stay healthy. So take your time and try to plan each meal before, during, and after the relocation. It might be a bit time-consuming, but as we all know, health comes first.

Jars containing various combinations of nutritious foods.
If you are relocating to a new home, you can prepare breakfast for the moving day in advance.

5.   Lead By Example

Kids will always look up to their parents. And if they see a food habit repeated, they will adopt it. So to encourage your kids to eat healthy, be careful what message your eating habits are sending. If kids constantly see you eating chocolate or chips, don’t expect them to accept eating their vegetables. But if they see you eating fruits and vegetables all the time, they will want to do the same. Also, teach your children to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. You can do this by serving smaller portions on their plates and not forcing them to eat all the food if they don’t want to. Never encourage overeating and try to set a good example once more.

6.   Highlight The Importance Of Breakfast

Kids that have a healthy breakfast are usually in a better mood, have improved memory, and have lots of energy. Therefore, educate your kids about the importance of a healthy breakfast by making it fun. Offer them healthy food accompanied by a low-sugar treat. For example, you can make some hard-boiled eggs and pair them with their favorite cereal and an apple. Or, you can make breakfast burritos with scrambled eggs and cheese and add leftover oatmeal muffins as a snack. They will be more open to accepting healthy food if there is a treat waiting at the end.

In Conclusion

Knowing how to encourage your kids to eat healthy may seem more complicated than it is. You just need to be patient and, from time to time, accept small defeats. Instead of initiating stressful food battles, you need to realize that what your kids eat over time is more important than having a snack once in a while. After all, eating some popcorn during a movie or enjoying some chocolate now and then are everyone’s small pleasures in life. So don’t be too hard on yourself or your kids, as long as you manage to balance these minor escapades with a healthy diet.

Meta Description: If you want to know how to encourage your kids to eat healthy, make sure to read our article on the subject and use the solutions we found.

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Tips to Help Your Child Adjust When Moving to a New School

Girls walking to school.

by Jassica Mendez

Major life changes often require a period of adjusting to new circumstances. This is true for adults, but even more so for kids. As adults, we know why we make certain life-changing decisions. That makes us motivated and enthusiastic about this new chapter in our lives. On the other hand, children are rarely active participants in the decision-making process. For that reason, transitioning to another school is often a challenging and difficult period. As we all know, school is an important aspect of every child’s life. It’s the place where they learn and play, make new friends, and fall in love for the first time. Although the change is for the better, your child will certainly need some extra love and support during this time. With that in mind, here are some valuable tips to help your child adjust when moving to a new school.

Talk openly with your kid about changing schools

Children often don’t understand why the change is necessary or important. Instead, they find comfort in routine and familiarity. That’s why it’s important to discuss matters openly in advance.

Talk to your child about the reasons for moving, what they can expect at their new school, or even home and town. This will give them precious time to come to terms with the change and start adjusting. Of course, be ready for their reaction, whether positive or negative, as well as for a ton of questions.

Include your child actively in the process

What causes a lot of stress and anxiety when moving to a new school is the fear of losing control. Children, in general, don’t have much control over their environment or get to make a lot of ‘important’ decisions.

To help them gain some control back, let them make as many decisions as they can and participate actively during the change. If possible, let your child choose between two schools in the same neighborhood. Or, if that is not possible, let them choose their new school supplies and outfits. In this way, kids will feel involved and valued. Knowing that their voice is heard will help them build confidence and self-esteem.

school supplies
Choosing their own school supplies and making other meaningful decisions will help your child adapt better

Cherish the old but be enthusiastic about the new

Every child matters, and their opinions and feelings have value and importance. The same goes for their memories and affection for the old school. Help them stay in touch with their old friends and teachers and cherish their previous experiences.

However, it’s crucial to have a positive attitude toward the new school and focus on creating new experiences there. Children are experts in picking up clues from our words and behavior. If you’re happy and enthusiastic about the change, they’ll likely follow suit.

Visit the school if possible

Another excellent way to help your child adjust when moving to a new school is to visit it beforehand. Go together through the school building and grounds and focus on everything great about it.

If possible, visit during the school session so your kid can meet the principal, their new teacher, and maybe even their new schoolmates. That way, your child won’t feel lost on their first day there. Instead, it will be easier for them to find their way around, and they’ll know what to expect.

Help your child make friends

For most kids, the scariest thing about the new school is starting all over with making friends. Depending on your kid’s age, there are ways you can help them to connect with their peers faster. Of course, the last thing you want to do is try to get dates for your teenager!

However, when it comes to younger kids, organizing a playdate is an excellent idea. You can also encourage your child to choose an extracurricular activity they love. It will enable them to connect to other kids over shared interests. Additionally, if you’re moving to a new home, once you settle, you can throw a housewarming party for your child’s school friends!

Three kids playing in front of a house
Making friends and exploring interests is crucial when moving to a new school

Establish the new routine

Changing routines can be especially stressful for a child. That’s why you should work on establishing a new one as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances, try to incorporate as many elements of the old one as possible. For example, maintaining a healthy lifestyle while getting up a bit earlier to catch the school bus is an excellent idea.

Be understanding and supportive

Naturally, your child will need a lot of your love and support during this period. Lend them an ear whenever they need it and acknowledge their feelings. Knowing that they have you at their side at all times will be encouraging.

This is especially important if moving to a new school isn’t the only significant change. For example, if you’ve relocated to a new home in a new city, your child will likely need more time to settle in. Moving with kids is already stressful in itself. However, if you discuss everything openly with your kids, it can turn into a well-organized and easy process. Let them arrange their belongings and decorate their room, and soon they’ll also enjoy their new home.

A family cooking together.
Quality time at home will help children feel happy and safe in their new home

Plan some quality time at home

Of course, nothing can compare with precious family time. With a new school and challenges there, your kid will appreciate the safety net the home provides. Instead of focusing strictly on school matters, plan some time to indulge in activities you all enjoy as a family. Whether it’s a movie night or baking everyone’s favorite cookies together, your child will love it. It will provide a perfect opportunity to relax and recharge batteries. In this way, you’ll connect old routines and traditions with the new environment.

Give your child enough time to settle at their new school

Last but not least, be realistic with your expectations. Each child is different and is likely to have different attitudes and challenges. Be patient and let your child find their own feet at their own pace. Although you can’t adapt to their new school for them, you can help them along the way. Follow these tips to help your child adjust when moving to a new school, and soon it will feel as welcoming and comfortable as the old one.

Meta description: Moving to a new school is often a stressful and challenging period for children. Learn more on how to help your child adjust well!