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Life Skills To Teach Your Child By Age 10

A child showing painted palms for 10 life skills to teach your child by age 10

When we discuss the hardest and most high-pressure jobs, we often mention police officers, firefighters, surgeons, etc. And while all that is true, one more “job” takes the top spot. And that it is being a parent. While they don’t run into buildings on fire or do difficult surgeries daily, parents are doing equally important jobs. They are raising the next generation, which comes with its challenges.

Parents have a huge responsibility to make sure their kids grow up to be good people who contribute to our society. They need to give their children love, care, and attention and lead by example. But emotional support and care are not the only things a parent must do to ensure their children have a promising future. They have to make sure their children acquire certain skills, and they have to start teaching them early. And that will be the topic of our article today. We will talk about the life skills to teach your child by age 10.

Our List Of Life Skills To Teach Your Child By Age 10

Some basic skills will be on our list, like cleaning and making a snack. But also emotional skills your child should know. Emotional skills shouldn’t be put aside. They are very important later in life. For example, if you are someone with a history of addiction, you want to do everything in your power to prevent your child from inheriting your addiction. And the only way to do that is to take actions to prevent this at an early age. You have to focus on teaching your child emotional intelligence and asking for help at an early age. Now check out our list:

  • Personal Hygiene
  • Introducing Themselves
  • Make A Snack
  • Making Decisions
  • Asking for help
  • Cleaning Their Room
  • Dressing Themselves
  • Being Focused
  • Money Management
a little girl brushing her teeth
Kids need to learn how to take of their personal hygiene

Basic Hygiene

Before your child turns ten, they need to know how to take care of their hygiene. When they are very little, you do all that for them. You bathe them, wash their hair and moisturize them. But there comes the point when they have to learn to do that for themselves. A normal ten-year-old needs to know when it’s time to brush their teeth, take a bath, etc. You can make a little colorful timetable to make this easier for your kids. There you can write down when it’s time to wash their teeth in the morning and evening, when it’s time to take a bath etc. And put that list in your kid’s room so they can see it. After a while, that will turn into a habit, and they won’t need the timetable to remind them anymore.

How To Introduce Themselves

Kids need to acquire certain social skills before they turn ten. If not, they could grow up to be isolated, socially awkward people. For some kids, this comes easy, and they don’t need much help. But some kids are naturally shy and need a bit more time. Start by teaching them how to introduce themselves to strangers. They need to learn to say hello and say their name. Also, teach them basic phrases like thank you, please, and sorry.

a little girl cooking with her mom. One of the life skills to teach your child by age 10 is making a simple meal
Kids should know how to make a sandwich or some toast

Make A Snack

They are still too young to learn how to cook but not too young to know how to make a simple meal for themselves. They shouldn’t have to call you every time they want a little snack. The first thing to teach them is to make a sandwich. You can also teach them to make toast or a healthy snack. But in that case, be very careful and teach them how to use the toaster carefully and not get injured.

Making Decisions

Too often, kids grow up to be dependent on their parents for everything, especially when it comes to decision-making. That’s an issue that most likely stems from their childhood. So that’s the time to start working on and preventing that. You need to allow your children to make their own decisions. And that starts with the simplest things. What toy do you want to play with? What color do you want the walls in your room to be? What do you want to wear? Those are simple minor issues, but they are very efficient in building your child’s decision-making skills.

Asking for help

It may not sound like it but knowing how to ask for help is also a skill. Sometimes if kids are not adequately encouraged to ask for help, they tend to keep things that bother them inside. This usually continues in their teenage years and adulthood and creates emotional issues. According to experts at, children who don’t acquire basic emotional skills in childhood are more likely to have addiction issues later on.

little girl hanging clothes
Kids should know how to keep their rooms tidy

Cleaning Their Room

There comes a point when you need to stop doing everything for your kids, including cleaning their rooms. This is a great opportunity to start teaching them to be responsible and aware of their space. Kids like being dependable and letting you do all the chores for them. And you need to be very clear that this is unacceptable. Of course, you do this slowly. Don’t make the whole room their responsibility right away. Start by teaching them to make their bed. After a while, add picking up toys to their list of chores. Little by little, they will be cleaning their entire room by themselves.

How To Dress Themselves

One of the life skills to teach your child by age ten is to dress themselves. When they are very little and still in kindergarten, normally, you dress them every morning. But after that, it is time they start doing that for themselves. Picking out clothes that are appropriate for school should become their routine. And it shouldn’t be too hard to learn. They have seen you pick your clothes, and chances are they already know how to do it. By age 10, they should pick out and prepare their clothes the night before so they can get ready on their own in the morning.

Focusing On A Task

When kids are very little, they have a lot of energy and short attention spans. How many times did you give them a new toy, and they play with it for a short time and then just leave it? Well, that issue won’t magically disappear overnight. You have to teach them to stay on task and not put things off. Like doing homework or cleaning their room. And the earlier you start doing this, the better.

Kids should learn the history and role of money

Appreciate Money

Everybody knows that scene in a store when kids are running after their parents demanding they buy something for them. Kids don’t know the value of money yet. Teach them the history of money and how to buy things on their own. Practice by sending them to buy their favorite candy and giving them enough money for exactly that. That way, they will learn to appreciate money and be grateful when you buy them something.

In Conclusion

These are the life skills we recommend you teach your child by age 10. As you can see, there is nothing too extreme, just basic life skills every kid should know. You just have to be patient and encourage them to learn. We hope our list was useful to you and made being a parent at least a little bit easier.

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7 Signs of Diabetes You Should Pay Attention To

A glucose meter surrounded by sweets.

Did you know that 37.3% of Americans are diagnosed with diabetes right now? That is, 1 in 10 people in America have diabetes. And, according to some health statistics, approximately 1 in 5 people don’t even know they have it until their health gets permanently damaged by this disease. This is usually the case with type 2 diabetes – diabetes with very mild symptoms that need years to develop. Type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, has intense symptoms that happen rather quickly. 

Type 1 diabetes, as we have said, can be recognized instantly, but, type 2 can be tricky to discover. Thus, today, we will talk about some early signs of diabetes you should pay attention to. Reacting early (going to your doctor) can be a life-saver in this situation! So, if you have some, or all, of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor.  

What is Diabetes? 

Before we start talking about the signs of diabetes you should pay attention to, let us first explain what diabetes is. Namely, diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is when the sugar from the food you eat can’t be converted into energy. When we eat sugars, our body converts them into glucose and, using blood vessels, carries them through the body so that blood cells can convert them into energy needed for a healthy life. 

To convert sugars into glucose, our body uses the hormone called insulin. With diabetes, our bodies can’t produce insulin or our cells become utterly immune to it which results in high sugar levels. 

Type 1 diabetes, in the majority of cases, develops early in life. How it develops is not yet known. Some experts believe that type 1 diabetes is genetically predisposed, but, that has not been proven. Type 2 diabetes, however, happens because of poor life choices – unhealthy diet and no exercising. 

A text diabetes
Living with diabetes is possible, you just have to make some lifestyle changes.

Signs of Diabetes 

And now, let us talk about some of the most common signs of diabetes you should pay attention to. Again, if you notice having these symptoms, talk to your doctor – if you catch your disease early, managing it can be quite easy. 

1. Extreme Thirst and Frequent Urination 

Extreme thirst is one of the most common signs of diabetes. People with diabetes also say that no matter how much they drink water throughout the day, they will always feel dehydrated. This extreme thirst typically results in frequent urination. 

But, sometimes, we can have frequent urination without extreme thirst. When your sugar levels are high, they go to our kidneys which then ‘spill’ them into the urine. 

2. Increased Hunger 

Increased hunger, or polyphagia, is also a very early and a very common sign of diabetes. Just as previously said, when we eat, our bodies turn what we eat into glucose and use that glucose to feed our cells. With diabetes, this system doesn’t work and results in persistent hunger. 

There is a common diabetes myth that people who have this condition must have a special diet in order to live. That is true, but only in some cases. Namely, to live with diabetes, you don’t have to cut all those delicious foods from your diet. All you have to do is ensure you have healthy meals throughout the day and avoid only those foods that are too rich in sugars and salts. 

A woman eating donuts
Constantly feeling hungry may be an early sign of diabetes.

3. Fatigue 

In today’s world, we all feel fatigued. But, feeling fatigued too much and too often is one of the most common signs of diabetes. Why it occurs is still not known. However, doctors believe that we feel fatigued because our blood cells can produce enough energy

With fatigue, doing day-to-day tasks may be extremely challenging. But, if you keep your illness under control, you can easily get rid of this symptom and continue living as before. There is no need to be afraid of exerting, walking, or doing some big life events such as moving, for example. Of course, if you need help moving, you can always turn to experts from Four Winds KSA, but, as long as you are following your doctor’s orders, you will be okay to pack those boxes and carry them to your moving truck. 

4. Frequent Infections 

We all get infections from time to time. They are annoying, but an integral part of our lives. Getting them once (or even twice) a year is perfectly normal. But, getting them often is a sign of diabetes – especially type 2 diabetes. Infections you can get can be bacterial, fungal, or yeast. And, you can get them on any part of your body (outside and inside).

5. Blurred Vision

In most cases, high blood sugar levels can affect the blood vessels in our eyes and cause blurred vision. When you treat diabetes properly and on time, this blurriness will go away. However, if you don’t do anything, you may develop a more serious condition (diabetic retinopathy) which can lead to blindness

Diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, can often lead to many other serious conditions. Even if early symptoms don’t seem serious, everything can change overnight. That is why it is important to talk about diabetes to your doctor! 

A woman holding her head.
Don’t wait for your symptoms to develop even further – treat them instantly.

6. Unintended Weight loss 

We all want to lose a couple of pounds. But, if we are losing them without trying, that is, without making any life changes, that may be diabetes. Diabetes causes sugars from our food to go directly to the urine and keeps them away from other organs and cells that need it to function properly and to maintain weight. 

Unintended weight loss is one of the most common signs of type 2 diabetes. Of course, you can experience this condition with other illnesses, but, if you are losing weight and experiencing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, you most likely have diabetes. 

7. Mood Changes 

One of the last but certainly not least signs of diabetes you should pay attention to is constant mood change. This is because blood sugar is closely connected to our mental health. So, if something is wrong with blood sugar, something will also be wrong with our mental health. Mood changes you can experience with diabetes (especially with type 2) are constant and severe irritability, worry, and anxiety.

It is important to know that having diabetes (either type 1or 2) is not a death sentence! Many people live with this condition normally. But, to reach that level of normality, you must consult your doctor and make some lifestyle changes, just as mentioned many times before. So, if you notice some of these common signs of diabetes, you know what to do. 

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Tips to Help Your Child Adjust When Moving to a New School

Girls walking to school.

by Jassica Mendez

Major life changes often require a period of adjusting to new circumstances. This is true for adults, but even more so for kids. As adults, we know why we make certain life-changing decisions. That makes us motivated and enthusiastic about this new chapter in our lives. On the other hand, children are rarely active participants in the decision-making process. For that reason, transitioning to another school is often a challenging and difficult period. As we all know, school is an important aspect of every child’s life. It’s the place where they learn and play, make new friends, and fall in love for the first time. Although the change is for the better, your child will certainly need some extra love and support during this time. With that in mind, here are some valuable tips to help your child adjust when moving to a new school.

Talk openly with your kid about changing schools

Children often don’t understand why the change is necessary or important. Instead, they find comfort in routine and familiarity. That’s why it’s important to discuss matters openly in advance.

Talk to your child about the reasons for moving, what they can expect at their new school, or even home and town. This will give them precious time to come to terms with the change and start adjusting. Of course, be ready for their reaction, whether positive or negative, as well as for a ton of questions.

Include your child actively in the process

What causes a lot of stress and anxiety when moving to a new school is the fear of losing control. Children, in general, don’t have much control over their environment or get to make a lot of ‘important’ decisions.

To help them gain some control back, let them make as many decisions as they can and participate actively during the change. If possible, let your child choose between two schools in the same neighborhood. Or, if that is not possible, let them choose their new school supplies and outfits. In this way, kids will feel involved and valued. Knowing that their voice is heard will help them build confidence and self-esteem.

school supplies
Choosing their own school supplies and making other meaningful decisions will help your child adapt better

Cherish the old but be enthusiastic about the new

Every child matters, and their opinions and feelings have value and importance. The same goes for their memories and affection for the old school. Help them stay in touch with their old friends and teachers and cherish their previous experiences.

However, it’s crucial to have a positive attitude toward the new school and focus on creating new experiences there. Children are experts in picking up clues from our words and behavior. If you’re happy and enthusiastic about the change, they’ll likely follow suit.

Visit the school if possible

Another excellent way to help your child adjust when moving to a new school is to visit it beforehand. Go together through the school building and grounds and focus on everything great about it.

If possible, visit during the school session so your kid can meet the principal, their new teacher, and maybe even their new schoolmates. That way, your child won’t feel lost on their first day there. Instead, it will be easier for them to find their way around, and they’ll know what to expect.

Help your child make friends

For most kids, the scariest thing about the new school is starting all over with making friends. Depending on your kid’s age, there are ways you can help them to connect with their peers faster. Of course, the last thing you want to do is try to get dates for your teenager!

However, when it comes to younger kids, organizing a playdate is an excellent idea. You can also encourage your child to choose an extracurricular activity they love. It will enable them to connect to other kids over shared interests. Additionally, if you’re moving to a new home, once you settle, you can throw a housewarming party for your child’s school friends!

Three kids playing in front of a house
Making friends and exploring interests is crucial when moving to a new school

Establish the new routine

Changing routines can be especially stressful for a child. That’s why you should work on establishing a new one as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances, try to incorporate as many elements of the old one as possible. For example, maintaining a healthy lifestyle while getting up a bit earlier to catch the school bus is an excellent idea.

Be understanding and supportive

Naturally, your child will need a lot of your love and support during this period. Lend them an ear whenever they need it and acknowledge their feelings. Knowing that they have you at their side at all times will be encouraging.

This is especially important if moving to a new school isn’t the only significant change. For example, if you’ve relocated to a new home in a new city, your child will likely need more time to settle in. Moving with kids is already stressful in itself. However, if you discuss everything openly with your kids, it can turn into a well-organized and easy process. Let them arrange their belongings and decorate their room, and soon they’ll also enjoy their new home.

A family cooking together.
Quality time at home will help children feel happy and safe in their new home

Plan some quality time at home

Of course, nothing can compare with precious family time. With a new school and challenges there, your kid will appreciate the safety net the home provides. Instead of focusing strictly on school matters, plan some time to indulge in activities you all enjoy as a family. Whether it’s a movie night or baking everyone’s favorite cookies together, your child will love it. It will provide a perfect opportunity to relax and recharge batteries. In this way, you’ll connect old routines and traditions with the new environment.

Give your child enough time to settle at their new school

Last but not least, be realistic with your expectations. Each child is different and is likely to have different attitudes and challenges. Be patient and let your child find their own feet at their own pace. Although you can’t adapt to their new school for them, you can help them along the way. Follow these tips to help your child adjust when moving to a new school, and soon it will feel as welcoming and comfortable as the old one.

Meta description: Moving to a new school is often a stressful and challenging period for children. Learn more on how to help your child adjust well!