This year I am renewing my vow to be healthy.
After I had my second daughter, I slacked off on many of my healthy habits. I stopped working out, stopped checking my blood sugar numbers, and started eating more fried foods. I attributed most of the changes to the new baby. In realty it was just a lack of discipline.
I want to live to see my children finish high school, graduate from college, marry and one day have families of their own. In order to do so, I pledge to start back working out two days a week and recommit to limiting fried foods to once a month and sweets to once a week.
In addition to Type 2 Diabetes, I also have ulcerate colitis and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis which are both linked to inflammation. I recently read The Inflammation Cure by D.r William Meggs. In the book Dr. Meggs mentioned that one of the underlying causes of Type 2 Diabetes is inflammation. He also suggested that eating less meat and more fruits and vegetables will help keep inflammation down.
On January 2nd I took the pledge to incorporate Meatless Mondays in hopes to reduce the inflammation associated with my chronic conditions and recommit to living a healthy lifestyle. This will be very challenging but I am willing to try it. I am renewing my vow to be healthy. What changes are you planning to make for your health this year?